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I was so curious about Macaroni House after reading the reviews & I was not able to come to the website gathering last time.First impression of the restaurant, weird with kid's decoration, layout and type of furnitures. The seating is uncomfortable. I feel like I'm at at kindergarten school. There is no way that the space between 2 tables can fit 2 people (fortunately nobody behind me). You will like it if you want to be a kid again hahaha. Smoke Beef Macaroni Schotel: It's pretty good but you can hardly find the beef. When you use the spoon to cut it, it breaks and it looks like you are eating macaroni & cheese. And when you eat it with hot sauce, you will be too sweet. Drummets: Good, there is no bone so it's a smaller version of "Tori No Teba". If they mix it with let's say mushroom or vermicelli, it's will be better because the texture will be a liitle bit softer.Shroom Chicken: Just so so because the chicken is overcooked so it become tough. Mash potato is good even though you can only taste the cheese. Es Cingcau Markisa: It's okay, the cingcau is not soft like regular cingcau, a little bit too chewy.Es Jeruk Kelapa: It's sour & has a bitter taste. I think because it's squeezed too hard.Overall, the foods taste good even though there are rooms for improvements but for drinks it's still below standard, it's better to order just mineral water.Taste: 3.5 to 4 Ambiance & comfortableness: 2.5Twitter: @Andrian1703
I'm satisfied with this place. Lagi iseng2 nyari tempat makan deket2 puri pake website, dan muncul lah Macaroni House. Pengen nyobain Snow Ball Spagetti nya tp sayangnya lagi kosong. Definitly will come again :D
Macaroni HousePuri Indah#websitemeetupSorry reposting – previous review wasn’t uploaded successfully First time for me to attend website meet up! Thanks to Shabrina from website team.
Macaroni House is located at Pesanggrahan street around Puri Indah. It was a small 'ruko' right at the side of the main street. No need to worry about finding this place because they have this red 'Macaroni House' sign in front of them. To be honest I didn't really feel very comfortable here because some of the seats was very close to each other. I feel stuck in there and can't move freely but I easily forgot that because of the cute stuffs all around the place. The impression that I got was they want to make it a kid friendly restaurant. They even have a small kids playing area near the stairs.The meet up began with a brief introduction from Shabrina as a representation from the website team. After that mba Clara, the owner of Macaroni House, took over to tell us the story behind the Macaroni House. I don't remember how exactly it all began but as far as I know it all started when her kids ask her to baked some macaroni for them. The kids really really likes it and after a couple of months she started to think to make it bigger. Enough with the talking, now let's move on to the best part of this meet up. FOOD!I was so thirsty when I came there so I ask them for some drinks. They served us a glass of Strawberry Yakult Shake and Sereh Ice Tea. I never like the taste of 'sereh', so I can't say anything about this Sereh Ice Tea. But the Strawberry Yakult Shake was a perfect thirst quencher for a hot day like that. It was a sweet milk shake with a little hint of sour from the yakult and strawberry to blends it all. Help! I can't stop drinking it.We were given Pizza Bite, Baked Potato Carbonara and Smoked Beef Macaroni as our appetizer. The Pizza Bite serving caught my eyes because of the cuteness of the serving. It was like a tiny 'pastel' for one bite. The flavor was yumm but wasn't something over the top for me, although I could eat the whole plate of it tho'. I fell in love with the Baked Potato Carbonara. I can feel the thickness of the carbonara sauce with a perfect seasoning. The potato was sliced and baked to perfection, thick but tender all the way. Wow, I'm drooling right now. As for the Smoked Beef Macaroni it was like a macaroni schotel and a little bit too salty for me. Maybe it was because of the generous amount of cheese given in this dish and since I'm not a big fan of cheese, I'm not a big fan of this dish. But it was still lovely tho'.Move on to the main course. We had Curry Rice with Chicken Katsu, Baked Spaghetti with SnowBall and Roll Lasagna. I put my hands up in the air for the Curry Rice. It was so freakin' good. I love how the curry seasoning blends perfectly with the chicken katsu and the rice. It wasn't the overpowering type of curry that can make you nausea because of it, but it was the overly yumm type of curry that make you crave some more. The baked spaghetti was delicious too! I love the meatballs that given on top of it. I wonder how they cook it because baked meatballs tends to taste dry and hard to chew but this one was tender and juicy. Too bad I didn't have any good pictures of it. As for the Roll Lasagna, I forgot to try it. Stupid. But when I ask fellow foodies, they said it was delicious. Oh! We were given another main course as a special request of mba Clara's son, Joshua. It was called the Chicken Shroom as he said. He insist to her mom to serve us this dish because apparently this is so yumm and this is his favorite dish, and he was right. I fell in love instantly with the Chicken Shroom. It was a fried chicken fillet with a smoked beef and cheese inside of it plus three scoops of mashed potatoes as a side dish with a fragrant mushroom sauce to pour on top of it. I'm in heaven! I'm in love with the crispiness of the chicken fillet and the delicious mushroom sauce. Nice pick, Joshua!Closing the day off, we were given a 'Lapis Selendang' as our desserts. As far as I remember this wasn't on the Macaroni House menu but from a close friend of mba Clara's restaurant which I forgot what was the name. To me the 'Lapis Selendang' was a perfect closing for our day. After all those creamy and cheesy dish, a hint of sweetness balance everything. I love how smooth the 'selendang mayang' was. The brown sugar sauce has this bitter sweet taste that swept away the creamy and cheesy on our palate.And no it wasn't over yet. We were given another pot of greentea and a cup of chocolate cake to accompany us chatting and laughing all afternoon. The chocolate cake was fluffy and not too sweet but since I'm already full that time, I didn't finish my chocolate cake.It was a moment of happiness. Macaroni House was definitely a top contender for a good home made macaroni dish. Other than that, meeting new people and making friends always something that I'm looking forward to. Thank you website team for the invitation :)
@macaroni_house Nice place !
Deket dari kantor hhaTempatnya lucu!Musik yg di play juga bikin adem!Dua lantai Makanan enak , harus cobain yg berbau macaroni disini, tentu aja karena namanya juga macaroni houseMinuman standartHarga, worth it!
Amir A
I love this palce so much! Makanan yang disajiin bener bener melewati batas espektasi yang anggepnya biasa tapi pas nyobain hemmm lumerrrr makaroninyaaa recommended bangettt tsahhhh?
Leo Putra P
Salah satu resto favorite saya dan keluarga, Bisa dibilang semua makanan di Macaroni House enak semua karena hampir semua makanan juga sudah pernah saya dan keluarga cobain.Tempatnya Nyaman , Adem ,Musiknya pas dan cocok buat bawa anak2 kesini karena ada arena tempat bermain untuk anak2.
You should try Sego Borneo. Ayam bakar samarinda here is so delicious. The chicken is cooked well and the spices is great! This menu is recommended. They can also deliver.
Lucie A
Pernah cobain macaroni schotelnya tapi di delivery, enak banget macaroninya.. Recommended buat para pecinta macaroni schotel! Waktu itu jg pesen lasagnanya enak banget juga. Top deh!
Macaroni House terletak di Jl. Pesanggrahan No. 168B, Puri Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Puri Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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