


5 Ulasan


Rp 37.000 / Orang

Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin

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Gambar Makanan Maqui's

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Lokasi Maqui's

Plaza Indonesia, Lantai Basement, Food Hall, Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang

Maqui's berlokasikan di Plaza Indonesia, Lantai Basement, Food Hall, Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 37.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Hidangan penutup di area Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Maqui's


5 Ulasan

  • SofiaU114


    I dont like its tiramissu and the venue at plaza indonesia has no privacy. We can talk as comfortable as we want with this kinda ambiance. The outlet and seats area splits with coridor. So many people can see us as they walk around. Its just has a few table, some with sofa some other with wood chair and table. When we need to order or ask for servant help we have to walk cross the coridor and it feels not so comfortable. I had order maqui cheese, coffee, green tea, and chocolate. My favorite is cheese. It feela so melting in my mouth. Not too sweet and thick. Love the composition. I had ordered the tiramissu too, it was not so tasty. But i like its fruit pie too as always. Hehe i hope maquis in plaza indonesia can move to a better place. So i can hang out with more private ambiance

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  • Jiju Mathew P


    The cakes was supeeeeeer yummy! Mini Cakes (4.8/5) nya sendiri terdiri dari beberapa pilihan rasa seperti almond, chocolate, edam, cream, dan green tea. My fave are cream, edam, and green tea. Texturenya bener2 moist utk fillingnya, dan cake doughnya sendiri empuk tp tetap a little bit crunchy. Untuk Custard Pudding (4/5) nya enak, manis, but still balance. Dan Grape Jelly (3.5/5) serta Orange Jelly (4.3/5) nya fresh bgt. Maqui’s jg menyediakan value package yg sudah disediakan set isinya.x,Revi Maudy Vekelita

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  • Fl0rence113


    Well, never have a chance to take a picture of Maqui's because I'm too busy eating it!HahahahaAs I am a dessert lovers and I can't say no to dessert,I really LOVE *caps lock semua nih* their 15cm Cheese Cake!Trust me, I can finish it all - A.l.o.n.e !The more I chew, the more delicious it becomes! Worth the price!Never have a cake like this one ever. Or is it just me? I ever tried their Choco Sand, Puddings, and Cookies.Taste great too! Unfortunately, those don't make me fall in love like the Cheese Cake.So yes, never get bored buying the Cheese Cake ;)Stay awake for another food journey!-- Megan Faustine

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  • Edwin S


    Waktu lg jalan2 di sency ngeliat toko kue ini. Suasana tokonya girly. Baru nyobain varian mereka yang green tea. Enak bgt! Harganya juga ga mahal.

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  • Eiddie2010


    Cake asal Kobe, Japan ini benar benar mencuri hati pencinta dessert termasuk saya. All time favorit cake saya adalah Green tea cake yang texturenya lembut dan rasanya mmmmm yummy.

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