Master Wok

Master Wok


29 Ulasan


Rp 45.000 / Orang

Senayan City, Senayan

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Review Master Wok


29 Ulasan

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  • AzrilTraveller12


    For you who have not been familiar with Master Wok yet, basically it’s one of the members of the well-known Boga Group, which brings out the concept of “Scoop It Yourself”. The guest might choose the dish they desire from the selections displayed. For the portion, the guest can decide it by himself as he can scoop as much as he wants as long as it’s in a single take. What the guest pays for is the price of the package chosen.The dishes served are mostly home-style Chinese cuisines. The guest has the choices of chicken, fish, prawn, beef, and various veggies; cooked with different types of sauces. In total, Master Wok has 40 selections of dishes, but normally they only serve 30 of them in a day. You needn’t worry that the foods served are not fresh, as they are cooked daily and they will be put into waste if the shelf life have been exceeded.The outlet was mostly crowded at lunch time. Luckily, the waiter and waitress were very agile so it didn’t take long time for them to serve each guest, including me. Great that the location was at food court, so I could easily get a seat although there were quite many people.Sweet Fire Fish + Enoki Tofu + Kailan Garlic (rice + 1 chicken/fish + 2 veggies IDR 43.6k)+ Fried Dish (+IDR 9.1k)Here was my dish, for which I had 1 fish, 2 veggies, and fried dish. As I loved everything spicy, I picked their Sweet Fire Fish. Similar to my experience in MKG’s outlet, I found the dish not spicy though I still loved the taste. The fish was fresh as well, but it might be better with thinner and crispier batter. Combining soft tofu and chewy enoki, the Enoki Tofu was succulent. Not to forget, the Kalian Garlic, which was simple yet tasty enough. Moreover, I also had ‘additional topping’ on my wok, which was the fried dish. If I didn’t misidentify the components, they were fish cakes and crab meatball. It was lovely, nevertheless a little bit greasy.Sweet and Sour Fish + Angsio Tofu + Mixed Veggies (rice + 1 chicken/fish + 2 veggies IDR 43.6k)+ Fried Dish (+IDR 9.1k)This dish was actually my friend’s, but I did try it as I exchanged it with mine as well. For the fish sauce, I guessed the sweet taste was quite too strong, somehow deadening the sour taste. Fortunately, the Angsio Tofu saved that downside with its moist texture and pleasant taste. The mixed veggies were okay, bringing the combination of cabbage, carrot, baby corn, and pakcoy. Just one additional comment on it, I believed it would be far nicer if it was served warm.  Salted Egg Prawn + Salt & Pepper Tofu + Fried EnokiAt first, I wanted to order this salted egg prawn as I’ve ever tried it and I really love the taste. However, it’s not available yet so I went for fish. Luckily, the manager was so nice giving me the Salted Egg Prawn when it’s ready. As the extra bonus, I also got Salt and Pepper Tofu and Fried Enoki. I loved every single dish in this wok as for me, they were all well-seasoned and perfectly fried into golden brown. Thanks to the manager for giving me perfect complement to my own wok.Chocolate Pudding (IDR 9.1k)If previously I tried Master Wok’s original and mango beancurd in their MKG’s outlet, this time I tried their chocolate pudding. The taste was fine, but I did not find anything special with this one as it’s just similar to any common chocolate pudding. Quite nice to have for an after-meal.Iced TeaFor drink, I have iced tea as it’s included in the package. However, if you want to go for other beverages, you have the choices of mineral water, lemon tea, milk tea, and soft drinks.Overall, Master Wok can be a great solution for you who demand fast yet healthy food, as all the dishes are ready-to-serve but they are not junk food. As a suggestion, I recommend you to ask the waitress, which dishes that have just been displayed, since I believe the fresh ones taste better.

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  • Adi D


    Ceritanya hari ini gue ada panggilan interview di SCTV Tower nih. Di O Channelnya sih, dan karena sebelahan sama Senayan city, pulang interview gue kelaperan akhirnya mampir ke Food studio di Senayan city.Siang itu, kebetulan jam istirahat orang kantoran. Gue liat tuh, ada tenant yang antriannya panjang banget. Pas gue check ternyata tenant master Wok. Yaudah, gue ikutan ngantri juga tuh. Pas sampe depan counter, baru deh gue tau kenapa orang rela ngantri panjang buat makan disini.Ternyata lagi ada promo asyik banget loh. Yaitu beli paket master Wok style 3 gratis paket Master Wok style 1. Alhasil, siang itu nyokap gue makan yang paket 3, dan gue dapet yang gratisannya, yaitu paket 1.Nah, menu apa aja yang gue pilih? Oya sebelumnya, buat yang belom pernah makan di Master Wok, ini sistemnya pramanan gitu. Tapi kita cuma boleh nyiduk SEKALI aja. Ntar di counter, bakalan ada banyak pilihan sayur dan lauk, seperti udang saus telur asin, ikan asam manis, ayam cabe, ayam jagung, dan aneka sayur lainnya.Setiap paket terdiri dari beberapa jenis lauk dan sayur. Paket 1, yaitu nasi + 1 sayur + 1 lauk. Paket 2, yaitu nasi + 2 sayur + 1 lauk. Dan paket 3, yaitu nasi + 2 lauk + 1 sayur. kita bebas milih sesuai menu yang tersedia di counter.Karena ikutan promo, gue kebagian paket 1. Gue pilih sweet corn chicken terus sayurnya sweet eggplant. Rasanya? Enak banget coy buat ukuran gratis. Nyenengin hati deh. Ayamnya lembut dan sausnya manis lengkap dengan jagung manisnya. Untuk terongnya juga gurih manis, bikin ketagihan.Nah, ini adalah paket 3 (Yang kena bayar). Nyokap gue milih udang saus telur asin, dan ikan asam manis. Buat sayurnya, doi milih tumis pokchoy. Udangnya gede-gede banget. ikan asam manisnya juga enak karena udah di fillet. Total makan siang kita di master Wok cuma 48 ribu rupiah men! Murah banget untuk ukuran di Senayan city, buat berdua lagi. Udah gitu rasanya enak banget. Itu udah sama 2 gelas es teh manis loh.Selamat makan!

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  • shintashmily


    Iniii resto dgn model prasmanan, dia punya paket yg ditandai dgn warna tag tiap menunya, ada warna merah, kuning dan hijau, tiap perpaduan tag warna beda pula harganya, daaann disini kita sendiri yg ambil makanannya, dan dibatasin per tag warna per 1 scoop ga boleh lbh, klo lbh diitungnya jd 2 kali...hehe, jdi pinter2nya kita aja gmn caranya supaya dpt 1 scoop penuh, untuk rasa cukup enak dan porsinya lumayan besar jg

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  • WallaceGang


    This time I visited this restaurant for my quckie lunch break. I ordered Paket Wok 1, which I choose Ikan Fillet Asam Manis and Tim Telur.The restaurant concept is chinese fast food restaurant. For its taste just okay, but it served cold. Not very recommended and make me feel bit dissapointed with Boga Group.

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  • Andrini W


    Ini namanya resto hoki hokian. Kalo ngambil cuman harus 1 scoop. Biasanya orang lama pas ambilnya soalnya pengen banyal eh jatoh jatoh jadi dikit..Makanannya dibagi 3 warna ada hijau kuning merah. Makanan hijau untuk sayur, kuning untuk ayam dan mungkin ikan, merah untuk daging sapi, udang dkknya. Pesan paket dulu ad yg 1 hijau 1 kuning, dll.Segi rasa lumayan enak. Menunya bervariasi dan tiap hari mungkin ganti variasiHarga lumayan murah dan waktu itu ada promo untuk pelajar yg kasih kartu pelajarnya cmn gw lupa harganya berapa pokoknya 1 hijau 1 kuning

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Lokasi Master Wok

Senayan City, Lantai 5, Food Studio, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta

Master Wok terletak di Senayan City, Lantai 5, Food Studio, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Chinese Food di dekat Senayan City, Senayan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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