Maxx Coffee
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Maxx Coffee


34 Ulasan



Rp 50.000 / Orang

Lippo Mall Puri @ St. Moritz, Puri Indah

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Review Maxx Coffee


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  • Ramesh1489


    Best Asian Dolce Latte I ever had! This is my first time tried Maxx Coffee and never disapointed with my choice ^^Really wanna try another coffee next time and the place are really comfortable for meeting with friends or client ;)

  • vanessafu2610


    well, about the sbux idea, surely because they got the same person behind it. i once met the manager and he somehow very friendly and told me so much about this coffeeshop background that interested me as well. i like the logo, tho, those big eyes of the owl shows me how the coffee really works not a coffee person so i then ordering caramel signature and it fits my tastebud as well, thought it would be too sweet or too bitter, but the taste, for real, was so yum! and the muffin was so fluffy and yummy too!not so pricey, and i guess it makes maxx coffee worth my money. well this local coffeeshop could really make your day!

  • denita w


    Almost mistaken for Starbucks waktu pertama kali dateng, tp begitu masuk ternyata barista nya ramah bgtttt...mirip dgn coffee shop "tetangga."Selalu suka sama iced cafe latte di Maxx Coffee yg ini (tp kurang suka sama flavored syrup nya, lebih enak plain atau ditambah simple syrup aj), my brother selalu suka sama asian dolce latte di pernah bosen atau pesen yg lain kalau dateng ke Maxx Coffee. Harga minuman di sini termasuk murah, apalagi porsi yg ukuran Maxx itu besar sekaliTempat nya termasuk enak, luas dan ada beberapa sofa jg....cocok utk buka laptop dan kerja disini. Dulu AC nya sempet panas & pengap bgt di dalem utk beberapa minggu, tp skrg sdh diperbaiki & dingin kembali...jadi makin nyaman en PW lama2 disini :)

  • vileza2017


    Order manuka honey cappuccino. The service was excellent, the cashier is friendly and really helpful and the drink is nice.Will return for sure.

  • Katspate


    Sebelum bercerita tentang makanan dan minuman, gw mau bercerita tentang Maxx Card dulu. Jadi ceritanya di Max Coffee juga ada kartu yang bisa diisi nominal uang. Dengan minimal pengisian 100 ribu dan minimal nominal uang di dalam kartu 10 ribu. Jadi sangat susah menggunakan kartu ini, disaat saldo masih ada 40 ribu, kita ga bisa bayar minuman kita pake kartu tersebut, minuman yg harganya standar .. 35ribuan (kopi dengan ukuran sedang). Kita harus isi ulang saldo dengan minimal 100 ribu.. lalu.. kapan abisnya saldo ku?? Saran dari gw, kalo jarang ngopi di Maxx, gausa bikin Maxx Card, karena free upsizenya juga terbatas, cuma dari ukuran sedang ke besar, sedangkan gw ga bisa minum kopi/cokelat sebanyak itu.OKE, lanjot ke makanan/minuman. Kemarin ini cobain Ice Signature Chocolate karena kesini udah malem, takut ga bisa tidur. Ternyata Ice Chocolatenya mantab juga yah. Rasa cokelatnya gak murahan, gak terlalu manis dan pait cokelatnya pas!

  • idho


    As inspired by Prajna Mudita | Makancengli who often writes about maxx coffee, i finally decided to try this dupe of sb**cks coffee shop. Their logo, theme, concept or even menu is pretty similar with the well known seattle based coffee shop. Luckily the menu I tried was pretty nice, I had red velvet latte and hubby had cold latte called latte fredo. Both taste nice, only the service is not as decent as their coffee.

  • KevinTara


    This is my first time tried Maxx Coffee and it was good. Yang jadi minuman favorite saya di sini hibiscus tea-nya. Rasanya light banget dan ada rasa tangy and sweet. Cocok buat orang yang enggak suka minum susu atau frappe. Green tea frappe'nya juga enak dan terasa banget rasa matcha-nya. Untuk manis dan tidaknya semua pas menurut saya.Kalau makanannya, recommended banget buat dicobain. Saya sendiri suka yang smoked beef quiche dan chocolate brownie'nya.Cheers🍻Angela Marchelin

  • 66hughesh


    Sekali kali cobain minuman selain kopi. Ice Raspberry hibiscus tea. Cocok buat cuaca yang panas. Rasanya memang sedikit kemanisan, mgkn next hrs minta less sugar atau apa.

  • sayudha


    I went here with my cousin on eid adha. I love their green tea latte, it tastes really light and has right amount of green tea, not too sweet, not too tangy. About the price, I think it is kinda cheap if you compared it with another coffee shop. I also like their place, so comfy, clean and there is wifi. So, it is very a suitable place if you want to chilling out, do some homework, or meeting. Their service is great btw!

  • Arda Boyaciyan


    Maxx Coffee sudah beredar dimana-mana! Si "Starb**ksnya Indonesia" ini menu dan interiornya (hampir) sama persis kayak Starb**ks. Dapet voucher buy any Food get 50% for Beverage, lumayan banget! Gw mesen yang biasa gw beli di Starb**ks biar gw bisa compare yaitu Green Tea Frappe (IDR 41,000), wow ENAK! Sebagai "saingannya" gw akui Green Tea Frappenya lebih enak dari Starb**ks. Iced Green Tea Latte (IDR 38,000) nya pun juga sama enaknya. Pastry yang kita pesen Smoked Beef Quiche (IDR 25,000) dan Cheese Croissant (IDR 17,000), dua-duanya pun enaaakkk!

Lokasi Maxx Coffee

Maxx Coffee terletak di Lippo Mall Puri @ The St. Moritz, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Boulevard Blok U No. 1, Puri Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kopi di dekat Lippo Mall Puri @ St. Moritz, Puri Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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