
Meet & Eat


35 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang

Ruko Garden House, Pantai Indah Kapuk

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Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 25, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta

Meet & Eat berlokasikan di Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 25, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 100.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Ruko Garden House, Pantai Indah Kapuk. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Ruko Garden House, Pantai Indah Kapuk. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Meet & Eat


35 Ulasan

  • NencyK1


    It was a nice place to hang out and chill karena mereka sediain card game and board game. There was 2 part for smoking and non smoking section. But since the non smoking section is full, we decided to sit in smoking area which was empty by the time we were there.We order cheese bomb yang banyak di rave sama review website. It was good, but not heavenly good. It was a predictable taste.I order Volcano Pasta level 7, jadi diatasnya kaya ada squid flake gitu yang biasanya ada di takoyaki, seaweed, sesame seed, dan deep fried chicken (kayanya, I'm not sure about the meat). Pastanya pedes kaya samyang gitu pedes tomat tapi bisa diatur level pedasnya. It was good, the chicken was the best part. Tapi toppingnya terlalu sedikit imo.My boyfriend order cheesy baked potato something saya lupa. Intinya baby potato dipakein white sauce dan di tahurin baked mozarella cheese. It was just ok.My friend order creamy cheesy pasta something saya juga lupa. And he said it was lack of flavor. He have to add salt, pepper, and chilli flake by himself.Overall, the food was not worth the price we pay. Service was slow because our food came one by one with 10 minutes interval. It's like they only have 1 oven in the kitchen.

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  • WindyAnastasia


    My gf told me several times that she want to visit this place so last week we went to PIK and visited this place. The place quite minimalist with tables for 2-4 each dominated with green and white color. When we arrived, honestly i have low expectation since only 2 tables are occupied even though it was lunch time already (maybe of the newly open chir" next door). After scanning the menu and asking the waiter for recommendations, we ordered the volcano pasta, crispy boneless chicken, and bacon cheese for starter (my gf mostly ordered hot tea for drinks so why bothered hahaha).Surprisingly the volcano pasta was good quite spicy even though we ordered the lowest level of spiciness with a hint of Japanese (from bonito flakes and nori) and chicken pokpok. The grill boneless chicken sause was quite good (taste like black paper sause). The bacon cheese was sinfully good !!! (Pork with mozzarella what could go wrong). For those ordered we paid around 200k quite affordable.

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  • Komang_Eri_Tribawono


    Stepped in into the restaurant and I felt the owner did not go all out on decoration. Was just allright in my opinion.Had egg benedict with cheese sauce which I found the bread to be ordinary, the cheese slice that nauseate my stomach, the dry beef bacon was hard to chew, poached egg was just so-so in terms of quality. Did not finish and tried my luck again on second dish in the form of grilled chicken and cheese bomb. The taste of grilled chicken is so-so and I personally think it was a bit dry. The french fries was decent and the cream mushroom helped to cover up the very dry chicken. Well at least this meal I finished. I have to give credit for the cheese bomb for their originality and I think that is their best menu since the cheese really melted in my tongue.

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  • 626mirantia


    Saatnya ngereview restonya temen ane nih gaan. Tempatnya enaaak bgt cozy bersih dan enak buat nongkrong2 laa.Now untuk rasanya yaa, kemaren sempet nyobain chicken steak with mushroom sauce (klo gak salah ya). Slicenya gede bgt. Utk ukuran nya gede bgt lho. Ane aja ampe kekenyangan bukan kenyang lg 😄😄Untuk minumannya nyobain almond apa yah namanyaa (lupaaa!) tp rasanyaaa 👍👍U must try yaak agan agan✌✌✌

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  • bagoes a


    Kemaren sabtu pergi makan sama temen-temen SMA nyobaik restoran ini di PIK.Saya pesan Volcano Pasta sesuai dengan rekomen waiternya, pasta ini ada tingkat level 4,7 dan 1 lagi kalau ga salah 10 nah saya pesen level 4 karena takut ga kuat pedas. Teman saya yang lain pesan sop buntut, egg benedict sama boneless crispy chicken. kita juga ada pesan chicken wing sm cheesebomb.Pas datang volcano pastanya enak, tekstur nya ala al-dente, sedikit lebih ke arah japanese style pastanya. Untung cuma pesen level 4 soalnya ini udah pedas menurut aku. Terus chicken wing nya lumayan enak. Tapi paling juara sih cheese bombnya, dia semacam snack bacon di wrap sm keju. keju nya meleleh dan enak banget. saya ada nyicip punya temen yg lain, egg benedictnya not bad, sop buntutnya juga enak dagingnya empuk, kalau untuk boneless crispy chicken juga enak cuma saya tetep prefer volcano pasta, maybe next time datang bakal makan itu sih hehe.Desain tempatnya nyaman, cocok untuk makan sambil duduk lama bareng temen, tapi bagian depannya agak kosong. eh iya mereka juga sediain games loh. service pelayannya juga bagus, overall ini salah satu new comer cafe yg enak di PIK. Pasti akan datang lagi.

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