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Review Minilovebites


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  • Rika_Penang


    Mini cupcakes for Ayah's birthday cake. It was the first time he ate cupcakes and he loves ittt. My Favourite, salted caramel (still)

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  • adi8ts


    Gue waktu itu tau minilovebites dari temen gue dan dulu tuh belom ada physical store nya kayak gini dan pemesanan cuma online dan kirim email terus either diambil atau dikirim kerumah. Mine waktu itu diambil di epicentrum.Lokasi : duh gatau tempatnya dimana karena gue mau review cupcakes nya doang nih ekekeeDekorasi : hmmMakanan : nah gue kaget banget sekarang harganya yg satu dozen kenapa hampir 300k? Padahal gue beli 3 taun lalu harganya 200k doang apa 150k gitu. Gila men mahal banget! Anyway dulu gue order coffee, red velvet sama satu lagi gue lupa. But yg gue remember clearly is red velvetnya enak banget banget! Moist dan ga bikin enek, gue berhasil makan banyak buat red velvet nya. Tapi mengingat harganya mahal, gue jd males lagi beli. Tadinya mau kasih 4/4.5 tp karena mahal 3.5/5 aja ya

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  • dyarthan


    Tw minilovebites dr jaman2 mereka masi sistem online..Sampe skrg mereka udh pnya store..*utk tmp nya emg kecil bgt, mungkin lebih cocok utk tmp beli take away doang. Tp dekorasi nya eye-catching abis! Warna kuning yg menyegarkan!*favorite flavor gw disini greentea&red velvet! Tekstur cake nya bagus, moist & rasa nya pas! Not too sweet, jd gag blenger.*harga.. mmm, relatif lah yaa.. tp kl dgn rasa bgtu, harga segitu, worth it bwt gw.. (krn bbrp cupcake yg gw coba dgn rasa di bwh minilovebites, hrga gag beda jauh ma minilovebites)

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  • arnestd


    This petite cupcake shop is located in Senopati, right beside Fimela (if im not mistaken). It offers you cupcakes, cakes, and coffee.Among all the cupcake shops in Jakarta, this one is the BEST! I ordered the Green Tea cupcake. Personally, I'm not a big fan of buttercream.. But minilovebites cupcake has a creamy, light, and melt-in-your-mouth frosting that you cant resist. The cake itself is moist, fluffy, and has the right amount of sweetness. You get the greentea flavor in every bite! It costs 28,000/cupcake.. A bit expensive for a single cupcake, but its worth it ;)

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  • mute_salwa


    If you’ve been to Mini Love Bites outlets, you must have been aware that all of them are very small, providing very limited number of seats for the guests. Yes, I do believe that most people only order the cakes and take them home, or else call the outlets and have their orders delivered.Some of Mini Love Bites products are cake in a jar, cupcakes, layer cake, special diet cake, and specialty cakes. The sizes provided also range from mini to the large one. From all the selections, I have ever tried their cupcakes only. The size I had was the normal one, which was more or less similar to the common cupcakes I had. Presentation wise, they did look engaging though the design was just simple. Basically, the combination of colors used made them look beautiful. Texture wise, I really loved Mini Love Bites’ cupcakes as they were so moist.The first flavor I tried was Coffee & Cream, which was basically coffee cupcake with coffee buttercream icing. For me, this cupcake was suitable for both coffee-lover and non-coffee lover as the coffee taste was not that strong. Moreover, if you did not really like too sweet cake, this would perfectly suit you. You didn’t need to worry because it’s not bitter at all. The buttercream icing itself was slightly sweeter than the cupcake, making it a perfect complement.Another flavor I had was Red Velvet, which was actually not made of beet. It was chocolate cake, given food coloring so it had red color. For any chocolate lover, you might love this as it had quite strong chocolate taste and it had balanced sweetness level as well. Moreover, I really loved the idea of combining this with vanilla cream cheese on top as it created rich mixture of flavors on your taste bud.Overall, though I only tried 2 of their cupcakes, I recommended Mini Love Bites for anyone who demanded simple dessert, but preferred it to be not overly sweet. Besides, you might also try their special diet cake if you wanted to have desserts without any sinful feeling :p

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Lokasi Minilovebites

Jl. Gunawarman, No. 32, Senopati, Jakarta

Minilovebites terletak di Jl. Gunawarman, No. 32, Senopati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Senopati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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