


38 Ulasan


Rp 250.000 / Orang

Pondok Indah

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Review Mockingbird


38 Ulasan

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  • andykhohara


    So, Bayu Arya Susena and i try to celebrate our anniversary not like how we used to celebrate it. We want to have a special experience. Then i heard about mockingbird. Probably most affordable fine dining, they said. So we decided to give it a try. And you know what..... This place is surely give unforgetable experience. Start from the cute tiny place with good ambiance, the waiter with great attitude and quick response, the food that will spoil your tongue. If you want to try to have a fine dining but with thin wallet, i recommend you to give mockingbird a try. You won't regret it. My boyfriend and i are a happy costumers and surely will come back later!

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  • ekajayat


    First impression of the place is a different hip joint. There are 3 option of set menu. Quack me tender (a duck set menu), and Hola chicka (chicken set menu ) and Cow me to the moon (the beef set).We order the duck and the beef set. While waiting for the waiter to gives us menus, a complimentary garlic bread is served.The starter for my beef set is a wagyu thai beef salad and with nam jing dressing, the duck set is a sous vide crispy skin duck breast with homemade pancake. Both dishes served in a room temperature. The beef wagyu is cooked medium. They cooked it just right, though I prefer the beef more than the duck.My main course is a wagyu beef terderloin steak with cherry tomatoes pea crush, spinach pure, zucchini ribbons, red cabbage and blue cheese butter. The meat cooked medium just as I like it. They are very generous with the blue cheese butter sous. I love the blue cheese flavour.As for my wife, crispy skin duck breast served with chestnut pure, pearl barley, red cabage, cherry pure and redwine juice sweet duck souce. I love the unique combination of flavor in this dish, sweet savory and sour at one bite.For the dessert, I chose a lemon pudding, although I really wanted to have the apple crumble, they said that its alrady sold out. The lemon pudding is a bread puding with lemon flavor, it closed the meal and neutralize the palate. As for my wife, she ordered the manggo pudding.The down side of this place for me, only the parking space. Its a gavel and had a small space parking yard.Overall experience is good! Both the service and food.I will definitely come for the next season.For your information, this is the second seasons. I missed the first season.Their motto realy lives up"Probably The most affordable fine dining in the world"

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  • Ade B


    Mockingbird adalah restaurant yang terletak di Foodcourt di Jln. Metro Pondok Indah. Mockingbird terbilang unik karena menyajikan konsep fine dining dan makanan berkelas bintang lima namun dengan range harga yang sangat terjangkau (Season 2, 98k-188k). Tidak heran jika restaurant ini terbilang favorit terutama di kalangan anak muda hingga dewasa.Saya berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi Mockingbird di penghujung Season 2 (Setiap 2 bulan sekali, mockingbird mengganti menunya). Sembari memesan menu, saya menikmati Garlic Bread yang disediakan. Saya memesan menu "Good Cow Bad Cow" yang terdiri dari 3-course menu yang berbahan baku Wagyu. Good Cow Bad Cow dibuka dengan entree yakni Wagyu Thai Beef Salad, Nam Jing Dresing. Lalu Main Course nya adalah Wagyu Beef Tenderloin 200 gram yang disajikan dengan Blue Cheese Butter dan condiment lainnya. Menu ini paling direkomendasikan pada tingkat kematangan "Medium Well"Untuk dessert, saya memilih Apple Crumble yang direkomendasikan oleh salah satu waiter di Mockingbird. Crunch nya renyah dan potongan apel segar yang dipadukan dengan es krim vanilla di atasnya. yumm!Untuk Season 3, kemungkinan akan dimulai tanggal 3 November 2015. Pastinya saya tidak akan ketinggalan untuk season 3 yang memadukan French & Japanese food. So Long, Season 2! Oiya, Mockingbird juga memiliki beberapa promo menarik untuk dicoba, diantaranya Free drink by posting on Socmed dan Free Dinner for the first guest.

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  • Meygabella S


    Really love this place!!! Ceritanya aku sm pacar iseng" nyoba dinner dsini utk ngerayain monthsversary disini. Sebelumnya ud reserved dulu krn takut gk dapet tempat.Pas sampe disana tempatnya enak dan suasananya bener" oke berasa fine dining beneran. Disini cmn ada 3 menu dan utk bulan ini menunya ada shifudo-san (salmon), nippofranco steak (beef steak) sm monsieur donald (duck). Karna kita pecinta steak langsung aj pesen nippofranco steak. Gak berapa lama appetizer nya dateng, langsung aja kita coba krn udah laper banget. Suapan pertama udah senang banget karna enak rasanya. Setelah selesai appetizernya datanglah main course nya. NYAMM!!! enaaaaakkkk bangeeettt. Beef steaknya porsinya cukup besar menurut saya (langsung jatuh cinta sm beef steaknya). Setelah selesai datanglah dessert nya yaitu cucumber granita. Rasanya unik. Asem" seger dan clean gitu deh rasanya. Intinya aku dan pacar puas banget makan disini. Dan aku pengen banget makan lg disini untuk nyobain 2 menu lainnya

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  • Indee A


    The best fine dining ever! Worth it to come, tasty food, dan bakal langganan setiap bulan karena selalu ganti menu yang ga menjatuhkan sedikit profesionalisme dalam cita rasa.

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Lokasi Mockingbird

Food Court Pondok Indah, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta

Mockingbird terletak di Food Court Pondok Indah, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Pondok Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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