MR. Coffee

MR. Coffee


30 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang


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Lokasi MR. Coffee

Jl. Cipete Raya No. 64, Fatmawati, Jakarta

MR. Coffee berlokasikan di Jl. Cipete Raya No. 64, Fatmawati, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 75.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Kafe di area Fatmawati. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Fatmawati. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review MR. Coffee


30 Ulasan

  • TravelingBugy


    Tempatnya asik banget buat ngobrol ngobrol buat nongkrong, nyamanlah dengan ruangan yang dingin dan banyak tv nya. Untuk makananya juga enak dan pas lah rasanya, saya memesan beberapa makanan.Pelayanan nya ramah, tapi cukup lama untuk menunggu makanan yang datang

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  • Herman-herry


    The place is pretty quite but colorfull and cozy to hangout. Its a good place for "ngemil-ngemil lucu". But the taste of main course doesn't satisfy me. Not good enough, even though the presentation is great

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  • bumiayu59


    Cool! Cozy, unique interior, colourful. Nice place for chillin out with friend. Harganya sangat terjangkau, menunya yang bervariasi dan creme brule yang lezat!

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  • jeff_expat


    22nd November 2014. Finally, last place that day, Mr Coffee. We sat quite long there, because the place was comfy enough to have some chit chat with lovely buddies. A really nice place to rest your feet and body after walking down Cipete area since the afternoon. The place was very cute with colourful seats. Theme: Pop Art. Cool, aight?Snack Platter 35kThey said the best of all was the chicken wing. But the chicken fingers, onion rings and french fries were also good. Love the crunch crunch. I didn’t try the chicken wing because they served only 2 pcs. I let the boys get the chicken wing LOL. Love u guys :)Nasi Goreng Sereh 35kSpicy. Didn’t really fond of this fried rice. It’s not mine hehehe.. So, I just tasted one mouthful *wow*. It’s delicious for those who like a little hint of herb in their dish. Well, not me. :)Katsu Fried Rice 38kIt’s not mine either. But, I really like the katsu. It’s big. It’s huge. It’s delicious. The meat was tender. The fried rice was also a little bit spicy but only a little. Just a hint.Spaghetti Bolognese 37kAaaaak, this was mine. Too bad, it’s not my type of bolognese. Too sour. I prefer the sweet one. So, I finished it forcefully *sob* It’s delicious, but not my type. LOL. Am I talking about food or about a guy? Lalalala..Roti Bakar Coklat 15kNice. I always love chocolate toast. For a snack, chocolate toast never failed us, right? But, I prefer more chocolate. :)Roti Bakar Nutella 25kYaaaay, they had Nutella Toast. Yaaaaay.. Hope they will have Ovomaltine Toast or Toblerone Toast or KitKat Toast hahaha.. I’m asking too much, I think :DIG: @yennymichael#yennymakanmulu

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  • Joy7755


    My friend when i was university is the owner of this place. Very cozy, the interior is unique. Nice place for hanging out with your friend, and not chaos

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