Mrs. Waffles

Mrs. Waffles


5 Ulasan


Rp 35.000 / Orang

Kemang Village, Kemang

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Lokasi Mrs. Waffles

Kemang Village (Lippo Mall), Lantai 3, Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kemang, Jakarta

Mrs. Waffles berlokasikan di Kemang Village (Lippo Mall), Lantai 3, Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kemang, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 35.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Hidangan penutup di area Kemang Village, Kemang. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Kemang Village, Kemang. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Mrs. Waffles


5 Ulasan

  • yusanoktavia


    Went here last night and decided to try these heart shaped egg waffles. I actually much prefer regular waffles but these kind seems to be so hyped up right now.There was a buy 1 get 1 promo, so I got 2 waffles with only 29k (if I'm not mistaken). That's quite a good deal. I tried the Green Tea batter + Oreo topping and Vanilla batter + Chocolate Chip topping. Both tasted good but it didn't really wow me. I liked it and it kind of matches the price.Place is really small, so it's not so very comfy to sit there.All in all, just a pretty nice change to your regular waffle & it's pretty cheap too!

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  • Andri D


    Have been here Frequently, only wait around 4 minutes for take away and have a fresh egg waffle on the Go!. Overall it has Good Taste, Good Price, Good Place!

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  • tonytitik


    Kebetulan beli kupon 40k. Mampirlah ke cabang ini. Lingkungan makannya agak sempit.Ordernya cream tam nutella dan chesee hershey.Pada dasarnya cemilan ini adalah waffle berbentuk ikan dan diisi ice cream. Waffle terasa empuk saat digigit. Cocok untuk penyuka rasa maniis..

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  • windhyaniberbudifm


    Waktu itu kesini nyobai menu waffle dengan rasa original dan topping oreo, rasanyaa enak dan manis over all suka dan akan balik lagi untuk coba rasa waffle lainnya.

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  • Khaki8


    I tried this one and i love it when i know i come in the right time. They is on promotion by one get one. I ordered the greentea waffle with dark chocolate on the inside and ovomaltine on the outside and for the free one is just a waffles and you will be charge for the toppings. Quite satisfied with the taste and also the promo.

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