Nolita Coffee & Comfort Food

Nolita Coffee & Comfort Food


31 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang


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Review Nolita Coffee & Comfort Food


31 Ulasan

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  • staniadi


    Went here last weekend with fellow website. And yes we came here only for dessert and coffee so we didnt order any main course. Had several coffee, but i had the caramel machiato, with pokemon latte art. Taste nice tho it was bitter for me ( i am not a coffee person). For the dessert we shared 2 kinds for 4. Ordered the famous cherry crumble from ladies who bake, and sticky toffee date, the cherry crumble ofcourse taste nice. And for the toffee date, gourmet kemang still got the yummiest but nolita is #2 nd best toffee date i had. Overall it was a nice experience at Nolita, and will surely come back to try other foods and their famous ferrero rocher milkshake.

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  • Aldo M


    The ambiance of the place was quite cozy and decorated well in a simple way. The food and coffee were xoxo. I ordered chicken wings and tomato soup. The tomato soup was too thin and had flat taste. Portion was quite big for appetizer standard size, you might want to share it with your friends instead ordering them all for yourself.

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  • RichieF38


    Kesini minggu sore sama temen2, hujan, duduk di samping jendela. Pas banget buat berlama-lama.Awalnya kesini karena temen gw ngajak "ke coffeeshop yg ada dinosaurusnya yuk!" -emang mural dinosaurus colorful di depan restonya unik banget sih. Interiornya pun ga kalah unik. Pas masuk memang ada perasaan cozy sama tempatnya, waitressnya pun ramah menjelaskan pesanan. Walau ada pesenan yg lamak dateng. Kita pesen:- Mocha latte: Pas. Coklatnya lebih dominan dari kopinya & agak mengendap di bawah pas terakhir2. Latte artnya cewek cantik, sepertinya itu gw :P- Caramel macchiato: pokemon latte art! Haha.. ini dateng lama banget pesenan sampe ragu jangan2 ga kecatet. Tapi lumayan enak sih kopinya.- Cherry crumble pie: enak! Black cherrynya padat & segar, crumblenya renyah, fresh creamnya biasa aja, tapi vanilla ice creamnya bikin dia jadi dinamis. must try!- Sticky date pudding: disajikan dengan saus caramel date & vanilla ice cream, sebenernya ini enak! Sayang sausnya terlalu manis & masih ada grease gula pasir di dalamnya. Awalnya disajikan eskrim + sausnya dipisah, tapi karena ga menarik difoto, yaudah gw gabungin dan jadilah instagrammable picture kaya dibawah :))Overall, nice coffee shop walau ada comfortable foodnya kita ga makan serius.

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  • jennynvn


    Kesini gara2 Anisa Adya Supandi minta foto sm dino mural yg kece banget. Very bright and eyecatching!Tempatnya comfy dan sangat oke untuk hang out lama. Gue pesen ice coffee (kopi item pake es dan gula), minuman kesukaan gue nih selain latte! Trus pesen Homemade Cherry Crumble Pie sm Sticky Date Pudding yang dibikin sama (Ladies Who Bake). Cheery pie nya enak banget, gak terlalu manis dan ga bikin enek. Pas banget dimakan sama vanilla ice cream. Sementara untuk Sticky Date Pudding menurut gue tanpa toffee sauce nya udah cukup manis. Tp klo yg suka manis, boleh banget dicocol sama sauce nya. Servisnya juga oke. Tersedia dua lantai. Kalau yg prefer lebih sepi, disarankan duduk di atas 😊

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  • 13thirtyone


    Came here for coffee and dessert after attending a wedding reception. The coffee was just ordinary, in fact my Iced Latte was too "encer". But the Cherry Crumble which I have been craving for ages was extraordinary (with Vanilla Ice Cream too!). The Cherry Crumble is from Ladies Who Bake, used to have it at Frangipani Cafe. The Dinosaur mural was so eyecatching, the ambience was cozy, and the service was excellent, all the staff were nice and friendly.

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Lokasi Nolita Coffee & Comfort Food

Jl. Kemang Utara No.16C, Kemang, Jakarta

Nolita Coffee & Comfort Food terletak di Jl. Kemang Utara No.16C, Kemang, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Kemang. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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