
Panna Cotta Etc


36 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang

Pacific Place, SCBD

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Pacific Place Mall, Lantai 4, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

Panna Cotta Etc berlokasikan di Pacific Place Mall, Lantai 4, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 100.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Hidangan penutup di area Pacific Place, SCBD. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Pacific Place, SCBD. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Panna Cotta Etc


36 Ulasan

  • Admiko10


    It's the most nicest pannacotta I've ever had. I ordered the Original with ButterScotch sauce. The sauce is so thick and really complements the Pannacotta.The outlet itself is small but yet cozy. A good place to have a little chitchatty with your friends while having a nice dessert on your table. I also tried their Grilled corn with bacon.. It tastes nice too, but I still like their champ, the Pannacotta. Wanted to dip to another sauce tho!

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  • timodeso


    I needed a touch of sweetness on my tongue after my Ippudo session on this Thursday afternoon. I found my solution!Menu is limited to mostly pannacottas, but the options for pannacottas are wide and varied. I ordered the Bailey's pannacotta trough the counter.Presentation was definitely a force to be reckoned with. I thought they were serving me burgers. Every pannacottas were packed neatly, with the sauce provided separately. I think all of the pannacotas were the same, only the sauce differed.I quickly poured my bailey's onto my pannacotta, and let it run smoothly on the pannacotta. The pannacotta itself was well made, smooth as silk. For the bailey's.... well, it's bailey's, nothing can go wrong with bailey's. Basically what I was eating was sweet pannacotta with bailey's, but it still made an awesome dessert anyway. This cafe has definitely changed the way I eat pannacottas, they have successfully made eating simple pannacottas an art form.At the end the total damage was around Rp 30.000 per person. A good cafe for anyone looking for desserts in Pacific Place.Food: 4/5Ambience: 4/5Service: 4/5

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  • leeone9


    i had gobble up my panna cotta the minute it arrives in my table. The thought of taking a picture didn't even cross my mind! So no pic this time. The pannacotta were delicious and i love the texture of the panna cotta. I liked it more without the sauce. Feels like it doesn't even need any sauce since it's already a star itself. The ice chocolate in the other hand were normal, nothing astounding. It shouldnt be priced higher than the pannacotta itself.

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  • Keylatraveller


    Harganya standart pannacotta yg dijual di pastricaffe gitu sihhh~ sekitar 30-50rb buat satu pannacotta. Tapi disini sumpah rasanya pas ga begitu manis dan lo pasti pengen nyobain semua rasanya gitu. Tapi gue aja makan 2 udah berasa full banget. Mungkin karena tekstur padet dari gelatinnya itu kali ya. Jadi kaya berasa penuh gitu. Apalagi yg gabegitu suka makanan macem dessert manis gitu. Satu aja udah cukup. Tapi semua radanya gue kepo ahahahahakk. Kapan kapan cobain yg rasa laen deh

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  • Ghinan Rinandy A


    This is my number 1 place on my list when it comes to panna cotta. I love their classic baileys, butterscotch, salted caramel, and green tea with white sauce :)

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