Pho 24

Pho 24


33 Ulasan


Rp 115.000 / Orang


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Review Pho 24


33 Ulasan

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  • damay_faz


    Gw prh makan di bbrp outletnya dan yg paling gw suka adl lumpia udangnya. Klo utk noodles-nya, porsinya termasuk gede, cm menurut gw agak hambar rasanya. Selain itu prh jg gw makan mienya tp dagingnya berasa belum mateng. Jd agak enek dan ga abis de. Mgkn lidah gw lg sensitif hehe. Utk minumannya, pas terakhir ke Pho 24 gw pesen teh Vietnam. Cm gw jg kurang cocok. Rasanya pait dan buat gw terlalu strong.

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  • ingkaap


    Been here with ex-officemate. The place kinda homey and calmful with christmas decoration, open kitchen and responsive staff.Starving for Pho, I ordered Pho with Slice of Shabu Beef, Well done Beef and Soft Tendon Beef. Quite refreshing but the broth not too hot. I also recommend for the Lemongrass Tea its really good!

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  • Coffeepot14


    This is one of the most cleanest Pho 24 outlet I've ever visited. Friendly and quick service are also their strength. Everytime I went here, always got parking space. Eventhough it's limited, but somehow you can always get one space. Maybe because the place is not too crowded. Which for me, it's nice.The quality of yhe foods and drinks are always at their best. I always prioritize this place everytime I need to pick a pho shop.Cheers

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  • fathurkaltim


    Lagi ngidam makan pho. Best pho ever. Kaldu yang jernih dan juga menyehatkan. Rasa nya ringan tapi dalam. Untuk favorit saya adalah pho all nya. Yaitu campuran semua daging plus bakso plus kikil nya. Semuanya enak.

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  • Widyantara999


    Yummy, tasty, fresh, just right portion, reasonable price. Ordered pho with beef and tendon. Was good and surely that i'll be back. Better order the regular one than small. Very small variance.

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Lokasi Pho 24

Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 38, Senopati, Jakarta

Pho 24 terletak di Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 38, Senopati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Vietnam di dekat Senopati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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