
Port er House


32 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang

Ruko Crown Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk

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Review Port er House


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  • igs810


    Kemaren akhirnya gue ke PIK untuk pertama kali, akhirnya strolling around the neighbourhood sebelum memutuskan mau makan apa, akhirnya temen mengusulkan makan disini karena katanya hip.Tempatnya kebagi jadi dua, indoor and outdoor, akhirnya memilih di indoor karena kita dateng jam 1 and we didn't want to get sweaty. Pas masuk agak kecewa karena... yaudah biasa aja gitu tempatnya, nothing special, the lighting was bad (kalo mau nongkrong cantik that requires good photos mending jangan disini).Karena sebelomnya udah pada makan dikit dirumah, akhirnya kita ga pesen banyak-banyak, cuma 1 pizza dan 2 minuman. Review:Port Er House PizzaBentuknya lucu, ga bunder kayak pizza pada umumnya, tapi memanjang kayak flat breadnya PHD. Toppingnya kebagi 3, pepperoni with minced beef, pepperoni with minced chicken, sama mozarella with paprika (I guess, not sure what it was). Yang paling enak personally buat gue section yang pepperoni with minced beef karena jadi agak manis gitu rasanya. Porsinya agak kurang kalo buat ber 4 karena pizzanya tipis banget.(not sure if the name was right)Lychee Fruit CrushedSemacam... I don't know, the waiter said it was lychee juice, lychee syrup, and the fruit but I only tasted the syrup.Summary:Nothing special, I guess. Probably not coming back.

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  • farabianis


    Hello there! It's my third review, i want to review the port'er house, pantai indah kapuk, for the firs time i went to pik hihi, the port'er house , for my first impression when i arrived, it was very comfortable place, with the unique design, but i hate the table because it's very small! Oke we talk about the food now, we order the porter pizza, fish and chip, and spaghetti, for porter pizza have attractive appearance, and have three variance of pizza well the pizza is had the good taste, and big portion. For fish and chip is had good enough taste and too oily i think, and for the spaghetti hem my friend said the spaghetti is have the best taste because the taste is different and funny taste, maybe she's can't describe about the taste, for price i think porter house have A standard price not too expensive and not too cheapRA

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  • HilaryA184


    port er house... actually a nice place to hang out, but here the foods are quite pricey but the taste not that.. wow.. sorry to say but ill think twice if wanna dine in her again

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  • ranselkecil


    Pas kesini mesen pizzanya yg porterhouse pizza dia ada 3 toping,beef jamur ayam. Rasa dari pizzanya dih biasa aja ga bikin nagih.Terus pesen fried chicken something(lupa namanya) porsinya gede dan enak. Tapi pas mesen minum coffe flavour butterscotch rasanya pait bgt kaya kopi item gada rasa lain2. Soalnya pas nanya mas masnya bilang itu ga pait tp ternyata pait bgt.

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  • 150bagsa


    Begitu masuk ke cafe ini, dekorasi di ruang outdoornya unik banget. Beda dari cafe lainnya yang ada di PIK. Serba hijau kayak lagi di taman, ditambah sofa berbantal yang bikin nyaman banget. Untuk apptzr nya yang recommend Fish and Chipsnya, karena ikan dorinya gabikin enek. Untuk main dish cobain Porter Pizzanya yang yummyyyyyy banget cocok banget kalo dipesen sama Baileys choconya. Buat dessert Cupcake choco volcano-nya juara buat yang ga terlalu suka manis. Over all, sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget sama tempatnya, adem xixi cozy pulak. Harga lumayan mahal tapi worth it sama tempatnya :)

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Lokasi Port er House

Ruko Crown Golf, Blok B No. 38-39, Bukit Golf Mediterania, Jl. Marina Indah Raya, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta

Port er House terletak di Ruko Crown Golf, Blok B No. 38-39, Bukit Golf Mediterania, Jl. Marina Indah Raya, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Bistik di dekat Ruko Crown Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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