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Rp 50.000 / Orang

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Lokasi Re.juve

World Trade Center 6, Wisma Metropolitan Building 1, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Sudirman, Jakarta

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Re.juve berlokasikan di World Trade Center 6, Wisma Metropolitan Building 1, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Sudirman, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 50.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Minuman di area Jakarta. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Jakarta. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Re.juve


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  • yoserizaladha


    Wow i can't believe Rejuve have their own space in here! Karena setau gue biasanya Rejuve ini adanya di mall ajaRejuve recently have been famous cold pressed juice brand, little bit pricey, each bottle cost around IDR 45-50++ tergantung dari produknya karena bukan cuma cold press juice aja tapi ada infused water, nut milk etcTempatnya di WTC 6, kalo jalan keluar dari pintu masuk belok kanan aja dan turun lewat tangga and you will find it easily even their space isn't big but niceI bought 3 bottle and it costs about IDR 135++ tadinya gue cuman mau beli 2 botol aja tapi mas nya bilang kalo beli 3 harga satuannya lebih murah, apalagi 4 botol. I bought:1. Almond Milk (Almond, Organic Coconut Sugar, Filtered Water): i'm a big fan of almond milk and i can tell you this is the best almond milk i've ever tasted! I bought this yesterday dan mas2nya bilang nut milknya hanya tahan sampe malem itu juga2. Asian Green (Cucumber, Spinach, Pineapple, Apple): if you're having problem with eating veggie and fruit like me cause you don't like those, you will be grateful to have cold pressed juice like this and only God can tell why you're enemy will be yummy (but still healthy) 😂 thanks to Rejuve!3. u.Glow (Carrot, Orange, Pineapple): i'm not drinking it yet but judging with the other bottles that i bought, i bet this taste great too! Fyi, u.Glow contain chia seed and it comes to extra cost IDR 4.5++For 2 bottles of cold pressed juice that i've bought it will last for 2 days, tapi mas2nya bilang lebih bagus sehariPS: if you're working in WTC or nearby, Rejuve will deliver your product (if they're not busy) with buying minimum 4 bottles and thank you for Mas Angga yg ngejelasin banyak hal tentang produknya, ngebantu banget!Conclusion: i will buy Rejuve whenever i see their both of course, everything good comes with the price indeed

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  • DianP109


    "Great Juice Bar"Fast and efficient service, and also patient enough to explain their products. Place is small, but clean. The kitchen is clean and hygienic. Tried the Asian Green with Asian Kale juice tonight. Excellent stuff! Wheatgrass shots are also available at Rp18k each. Looks like I'm going to be a regular here.

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  • Novelisa W


    try another product of rejuve. although i also buy the juice that they sell because i love their juices. i tried the almond mylk (green almond mylk) not mixed with matcha, but it mixed with spinach instead. the taste is amazing i totally love it. also i bought their mix trail and its good for my evening snack. i still got a best price although its goes up from 240 to 260 for 6 bottles, but its still fine because this time for their asian green juice they use kale.

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  • Dody S


    Baru nyoba ini kemarin pas ke pacific place dan baru selesai les di KCC, nyoba golden orange dan rasanya ga boong nyegerin banget dan enaaak...

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  • hamzahnasrudin


    Pas kebetulan lagi ke gedung ini terus nemu rejuve dan ada pormo BNI, jadilah mampir. Kali ini selain beli my fave i glow dan u glow, beli juga smoothies nya. Smoothiesnya ada mixture coklat, almond mylk dan lainnya. Buat rasa sih biasa bgt, masih tetep i glow dan u glow yang paling enak, atau fresh smoothies yang langsung dibuat ditempat. Buat promo harganya jadi murah, harusnya 159 lebih jadi 119 udah sama smoothies total dapet 3 botol. So happy.

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