Restoran Gemoelai

Restoran Gemoelai


20 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang


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Review Restoran Gemoelai


20 Ulasan

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  • herdinavm


    A small but cozy culinary hideout in South Jakarta. Very tasty Indonesian cuisine. The Nasi Cakalang, Nasi Limo, and Nasi Ayam Pecel are the must-try dishes...Too bad for the slooooow service. Come prepare, maybe call ahead for the menu items you want, or face a lengthy wait while the food to be served.I should have docked another half a point for letting smokers smoke inside while there is a smoking section at the back...

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  • anciselly


    This is probably one of those underrated dining spots that deserves a lot more buzz. Gemoelai is located in Panglima Polim. The place has a very cozy modern atmosphere which is really nice for friend to hang out or for moms to hold a small arisan party. Had myself their nasi limo, which is a rice dish with 5 different culinary elements complimenting. Couldn't recall what those 5 are, but the whol dish is very light, very flavorful, and you can taste the Indonesian authenticity in it. Definitely worth a visit and will come back again.

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  • ChappyOz


    unexpected banget,tempatnya ga terlalu mencolok,dan keliatan sepi dari luar..jujur sebenarnya mampir ke sini karna lagj kelaparan,hehehe..habis gitu pesan nasi lidah cabe ijo nya..nasi nya pake daun jeruk gt katanya.pesanan datang,ga seberapa lama..tapi ternyata recommended abissss!! enak! dan pas tanya tanya sama mas waiternya,ternyata biasanya memang seringan untuk hang out,ada roti bakar,kue cubit harus cobaaa..

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  • Einda N


    Went here by last Friday night with some campus colleagues. Came in the late opening hours, which will be closed in a few minutes. Luckily we reserved this place in advance, so the waitresses wouldn't even complain.Ordered Nasi Kecombrang, which is the main popular dish here. Accompanied with Balinese sambal matah, some beef jerk, chilli mango salad. Liked the taste, enough to fill your empty belly. The sambal matah was also not that spicy, for those who don't like apicy, it is totally safe for you.I ordered Es Jeruk Kelapa, which is the combination of coconut water and orange juice. Usually a hard fan of it, but a coconut on the glass I deank, was quite too 'old'. Was a bit hard to swollen.Overall, I like this cafe. Will come to try another menu.

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  • Amillia S


    Ruangan AC tertutup tapi diperbolehkan merokok.... padahal ada sign no smoking namun setelah saya tanya ke pelayannya dan dia mengatakan dahulu memang tdk boleh tapi sekarang diperbolehkan. Padahal ruangan tertutup dan ber-AC. Payah... udara jadi tdk sehat.

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Lokasi Restoran Gemoelai

Jl. Panglima Polim V No. 60, Dharmawangsa, Jakarta

Restoran Gemoelai terletak di Jl. Panglima Polim V No. 60, Dharmawangsa, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Soto di dekat Dharmawangsa. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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