Restoran Pulau Dua

Restoran Pulau Dua


39 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang


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Review Restoran Pulau Dua


39 Ulasan

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  • kitamain


    jarang orang tau ada restoran ini dan di kelilingi danausayang sekali makanannya standard semua nya.kalau kejebak di semanggi patut dipertimbangkan untuk meeting point

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  • Ryan902015


    oke first gua pesen sekitar 6 macam lauk dan murah sekali!nasi, ikan, udang, sayur, cumi 2 macam, tahu specialdimana masih fresh enak dan mantap,tempat oke sekali, bisa buat foto2 dan buat rayain ultah seru banget kek berasa makan daerah puncak apalagi pas saya pergi hujan2 beghhh mantap

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  • imaaaa_


    For younger generations, Pulau Dua would seem like an unfamiliar name but actually this restaurant has been around since 1991. As maintaining a restaurant is not at all an easy task in the highly-competitive F&B business in Jakarta, we must say we are impressed. Despite the location of the strategic area of Gatot Subroto street and direct access from Senayan, the restaurant remains a hidden gem, because of its secluded entrance. Once you enter the restaurant complex, you’ll feel like you are transferred to another place, in a good way.I remember when I was younger, I visited Pulau Dua once. But I totally forgot how it looked like and I was expecting something different this time. Stepping in, I was mesmerized by the atmosphere of the place, the nature, the river, the lush greenery surrounding the entire complex…, it was just, breath-taking. Basically in the whole complex, there are many buildings and the place is very spacious just like one big garden. What we like about all the nature, though, is that they all look so well-maintained and even when we sit under a big tree, we were not afraid of insect attack or something. Beside the buildings for dining areas, there are also many facilities that guests can enjoy here, for example Live Music stage, Kids Zone, Mushola, and many more.Onto the food, Pulau Dua Resto specializes in seafood dishes, but apparently they have wide selection of Indonesian and Asian Fusion (mainly Chinese) with SUPER AFFORDABLE prices. Of course, few seafood menu prices depend on market price, but overall, the prices are good and the serving portions can be adjusted as well to suit your needs.Asinan Dermaga IDR 36,000 (S)Assorted vegetables, potatoes, eggs in exotic peanut sauce, a humble dish that reminds me of home.Tahu Bom IDR 35,000Deep-fried tofu with shrimp and chili inside. Best way to eat it: just bite and feel the surprise!Ayam Goreng Daun Pandan IDR 12,000/pcWas expecting something like the famous Thai Pandan Chicken, but these are actually better! Love the succulent chicken with super tasty kick, a bit too oily for me, but I love how the smell of Pandan covering the chicken until inside.Sate Sapi Pedas IDR 75,000These beef satay couldn’t look more appetizing and we were so eager to try them. When we did, we looked at each other and we just knew that our opinion was kinda similar. Despite the seductive looks, the satay failed to impress; it’s dry, hard, and tasteless. We could only hope for few drops of sweet soy sauce! XDNasi Goreng Nanas IDR 35,000Another Thai-inspired menu, the Pineapple Rice is pretty and we love the rice grains, but frankly speaking, the taste is just okay.Ayam 1000 Rasa IDR 58,000Now we are talking! So if you follow our Instagram, you might have seen our recent post about this particular menu. It’s honestly my personal favorite during our visit to Pulau Dua Resto this time. The deep-fried battered chicken is cooked with soy sauce and curry leaves resulting in a very, very fine flavor and fragrance. The dish is served inside Chinese hotpot dish and the moment the staff brought it to your table and opened the lid, I was done, LOL! Oh yes, despite being cooked and (looking) simmered with sauce, the chicken remains crunchy and it’s just perfect!Cumi Goreng Ala Pulau Dua IDR 54,000 (S)This makes a great snack especially because it’s quite crispy and tasty. The sauce is some kind of caramelized sweet and sour, in Indonesian-style. Imagine that it will be even better enjoyed with alcoholic beverages.Udang Sereal IDR 68,000 (S)After contemplating much on what to order for our prawns, we decided to try their Oatmeal Prawns. Well, if you see so many tempting selections on the menu like Chili & Salt Prawn, Black Pepper Prawn, Prawn with Special Butter Sauce, etc.; you’ll have hard time picking a choice, too. This turns to be a right decision, the oatmeal had the right crisp and successfully adding the fun texture. The prawns were fresh but the shells weren’t peeled off. Assuming that they were deep-fried, we thought it will be fine to just eat with the shells but well, the shells were harder than we thought. Frankly speaking, this actually decreased the enjoyment of eating these prawns.Kepiting Lada Hitam (market price)Adding another item to my favorite list: the Black Pepper sauce! The crab was fresh but just okay in term of meat quantity. The black pepper sauce though, is just fingerlicking delicious. Rather than sauce, I think it’s better called “paste” since it’s so thick and strong in flavor! We are planning to order anything seafood cooked with this sauce in our next visit, LOL.Gurame Saos Mangga IDR 95,000 (S)Fish didn’t have the typical gurame smell and it was so meaty we couldn’t finish it. The mango sauce was just okay, we were expecting slightly riper mango with light yellow color that we think is perfect for this dish. Instead, they used mango with greenish white color, yes it adds the texture to the dish but fails to add the flavor as the mango is usually sour, and in our case, it was tasteless.For the drinks, we recommend Teh Poci (IDR 22,000) and also Pulau Dua Fruit Punch (IDR 24,000), a great thirst-quencher perfect for beating the heat. The beverages selection is quite a lot, so there will always be something for everyone.Anyway, we really recommend this place for you to just chill, relax, and have a short getaway from the busy Jakarta life. Even once in a while, it helps keeping our sanity and rejuvenating ourselves in a much better way. Many areas are very photogenic as well, and you can always count on the nature to make your shots look great! As usual, more detailed and complete review can be read on the blog :)

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  • Fearless393569


    Ke tempat ini sekitar tahun 2012 untuk acara keluarga. Tempatnya sih luas untuk acara dgn jumlah orang banyak, tapi interiornya kurang begitu menarik dan pencahayaannya kurang terang.Untum rasa makanannya, bisa dibilang standar, ga ada yg istimewa bgt.

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  • desamol


    Restoran pulau dua menurut gue sih tempatnya nyaman dan unit. Pemdangannya lampu2 senayan dan ada danaunya , unik dan nyaman kok menurut gue. Tempatnya tidak terlalu ramai dan spacenya besar .Masukan aja pas gue kesini makanan2 yg gue pesan agak kurang panas 😅jadi kalau bisa mungkin pas penyajiannya mendinh yg dikasi makanan panas biar lebih nikmat lagiSup asparagus kepiting : (ngga panas sama sekali) jadi agak kurang nikmat makanannya . Tapi rasanya not bad lah. Harganya juga masuk akalUdang cabe garam : karna kulit hudangnya tdk di kupas jd agak ga berasa cabe garemnya . Tp udangnya gurih dab segar dan sayang sekali pas dateng ga panas atau hangat udangnyaCumi goreng pulau dua : cumi manis digoreng garing sekali. Enak sih super garing tapi terlalh manis rasanya (gue pecinta makanan gurih asin)Kangkung balacan : karna ini disajikannya di hotplate jadi dr semua yg gue pesan ini doang yg dateng hangat 😅 enakOrange juice : lebih ke jeruk peras kali yaaa... fresh banget asem manis enakEs kopyor : terlalu manis :') tapi sebenernya enak kok

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Lokasi Restoran Pulau Dua

Komplek Taman Ria Senayan, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta

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Restoran Pulau Dua terletak di Komplek Taman Ria Senayan, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Chinese Food di dekat Senayan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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