Serassa Nusantara

Serassa Nusantara


34 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Tanjung Duren

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Lokasi Serassa Nusantara

Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Ruko No. 1 Blok K & I, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta

Serassa Nusantara berlokasikan di Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Ruko No. 1 Blok K & I, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 75.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Indonesia di area Tanjung Duren. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Tanjung Duren. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Serassa Nusantara


34 Ulasan

  • Richard_Sembiring


    Makanannya enak kok tenan loh terutama asem-asem iga... Banyak gorengan yumm, ada tempe mendoan dan tahu isi yang wajib di coba!!!!!! Harganya sangat terjangkau dengan dompet kita loh... Minuman yang menyegarkan di serasa resto, seperti jus jeruk dengan toping selasihhhhhh!!!! Yummy ajibbbbbbb betul betul betulllllllll :* :)

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  • Vita_Balqis_12


    I like the food in Serassa, all are with good quality. Especially the Indonesia style fried duck,  stewed chicken are my favorites, the Bali rice set is also pretty nice. I like the drinks, the cold espresso coffee, hot blank coffee, avocado juice, strawberry juice, of course the local beer Bingtan.As a traveler in Jakarta for about 3 months, I go to Serassa very often since I like the food also the service there. The environment is large and relaxing too, they usually put some local flowers in the front with a nice smell, the soft music is a plus of the tasty food.

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  • PutriYobymici


    Sebagai pelajar yang harus belajar, Serassa itu tempat belajar yang paling oke menurut gw.. Uda tempatnya deket kostan, restonya wangi, dan pw banget buat belajar lama2. Makanan favorite gw disini nasi langinya. Enak dan harganya cocok sama dompet. Setiap hari disini diputerin lagu lawas selaw gitu dan itu uda jadi ciri khasnya. Pelayannya juga ramah. Disini ada 2 pilihan menu anda yang western sama indonesian. Dua-duanya enak dan beneran harus dicoba!!!

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  • FilosofiM


    This is one of only a few high-end restaurant around tanjung duren area, maybe because mainly there are sudents who live around this area. The place is great and looks high-end and cozy. They play slow traditional music and some traditional ornaments here and there. The food quite cheap for restaurant class. The indonesian food quite great, but western i dont think its great. but not necessarily means its totally bad. overall ok

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  • happyangel90


    Finally got to try this one. From the outside, Serassa might look intimidating with its heavily traditional Java decoration. Surprisingly, when you come inside, it is actually quite cozy.I spent few hours there while I was waiting for my exam. The ambience was so calm that it made a very good place to studyI ordered salmon grill which tasted so-so in a quite small portion, but worth the price. The Indonesian menu seemed good, I will definitely try it next time.Overall, a good first impression. Another visit? Yes, hopefully.

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