


5 Ulasan

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Rp 90.000 / Orang

Lippo Mall Puri @ St. Moritz, Puri Indah

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Lippo Mall Puri @ The St. Moritz, Lantai Lower Ground 8, Jl. Puri Indah Boulevard Blok U No. 1, Puri Indah, Jakarta

Seruput berlokasikan di Lippo Mall Puri @ The St. Moritz, Lantai Lower Ground 8, Jl. Puri Indah Boulevard Blok U No. 1, Puri Indah, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 90.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Sunda di area Lippo Mall Puri @ St. Moritz, Puri Indah. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Lippo Mall Puri @ St. Moritz, Puri Indah. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Seruput


5 Ulasan

  • Rudy_HEAT


    Seruput is an Indonesian casual dining restaurant that serves dishes from all parts of Indonesia. Their menu consists of a wide variety of food and beverage specialties based from different parts of our Beautiful country.The food at Seruput was okay. It wasn't mind-blowing good, and it wasn't bad either. Maybe it's because I don't know how these exotics dishes are supposed to taste, but they just didn't excite me. The prices though, were fairly expensive. I happened to enjoy a promo they had, which made my meal fairly cheap-er. If it weren't for a promo, I dont think I'd be heading back to Seruput any time soon.A very big complaint I have about Seuput Lippo Mall Puri is about the mosquitos. They're terrible. They happen to have an electric bug killer installed, the one that attracts with UV Lights & zaps them, but still, there are so many mosquitos! I had my legs bit so many times in the short time I was there. Very disturbing!!!As a whole, I enjoyed my lunch, trying the different dishes of Indonesia. Do I see myself back at Seuput any time soon? Maybe, if there is a convincing promo. Without one, it just isn't worth it. If I may say, it's overpriced. Expect to pay 150-200 for two.'Till my next review!Attached are some of the dishes I had.

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  • gita12denpasar


    Order : Rujak Merem Melek : okay, ada strawberry nya which is quite unusual fruit for rujak ☺️ tp cukup bikin merem melek krn asem sama pedes nyambungEs Cendol Durian : enak πŸ‘Œ lebih enak lagi kl durennya dibanyakin Es Potong Singapore, rasa durian : enak....pake 1 slice roti tawar rainbow, perfect for afternoon snack. Kayaknya ini mmg signature merekaNext time, mau coba makanan berat mereka

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  • dianachandra2019


    I was hesitant to go into this place but we didn't want to wander and looked for other places. So we decided to sit down and order.We had Bebek goreng sambal matah, terong goreng medan and jamur goreng.The sambal matah didn't look like diced tomatoes, chilis and sliced shallots. I had no idea what was it. The bebek came in greasy, though the meat had the right texture for fried ducks. The jamur goreng was rather limp. The terong goreng medan was an epic fail. It was deep fried lightly battered sliced eggplant smothered in brown sugar and fried shallots. It tasted like bad cendol.A group of family sat down across our table and a couple came in, smiling at each other. I felt sorry for them.

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  • Claudine D


    Malem2 bingung cari jajanan, akhirnya coba ke seruput di lippomall puri, disini banyak jajanan tradisional kaya serabi solo, kue cubit, rujak, kue pancong, dll. Kue cubitny ok, sayangnya cuma ada yg kue cubit standar, rujaknya biasa ajah, nasi gorengny juga rasanya biasa. Urutan keluar makanannya udah minta nasi goreng dulu terus baru kue cubit dan rujak sepertinya ga bs diatur, makanannya keluar semua dalam waktu bersamaan, jadi kue cubitny udah ga panas waktu dimakan. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

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  • Ariani H


    Untuk masalah menyeruput, yang tidak pernah luput adalah Seruput. Again and again.This time we order :Mie Rebus Jawir, Bakwan Jagung dan Sekoteng.We like the hot served food.Atmosphere : 3.5/5Service : 3.5/5Food : 3.5/5

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