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39 Ulasan



Rp 90.000 / Orang

Pacific Place, SCBD

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39 Ulasan

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  • Reikkk


    Some of the food here tastes really good. Ive been here 3 times & its been quite pleasant. Nasi pecel & soto makasar is my go to menu. I don't recommend sate ayam, its a bit bland. It's one of the better places to eat in Pacific Place in terms of taste.

  • Waty_Tb


    nice place, good food n avordable price.. soto betawi nya enak dan cemilannya jg byk pilihan.. kai pilih kue cubit krn itu favoritnya :-) tempatnya enak jg buat kongkow2

  • stephanie j


    I have to admitt that this Seruput branch in pacific place is not as big as the one in Sumarecon Serpong, but the ambience is quiet nice.. So vintage like we ate back in Indonesia in year 1970's..My order that day was Nasi Goreng Kambing and Mie tektek.. Fyi, if you'd like to order the food in spicy level, the food will be sooooo spicy.. I order my mie tektek and it's so spicy plus i guess they use a special bowl to keep the heat long enough, and i can barely eat my noddles because it too hot and too spicy..But overall i will comeback here, even just for sipping a cup of coffee :D

  • Ovie_Savitry


    Makan ke sekian kalinya di Seruput PP. Sebelumnya sih asik2 aja krn cuma pesan cemilan2 kayak singkong garlic, es orchard dll. Tapi hari ini pengen nyobain soto Betawinya. Ternyata sangat mengecewakan. Dagingnya alot banget. Ga bisa kemakan. Padahal harganya ga murah. :( .

  • Wimby M


    Ini tempat buat kongkow2 sama temen2 yang ngerokok biasanya hahaha... sama kalo lagi nunggu gajian. Soalnya murmer.Rujak - mayan lah ga pedesbaso dengkul - ok lahtempe mendoan - enak tapi berminyak banget tapi selalu di order kalo ke siturawon - standardnasigoreng kampung - mayan enakkopi item - nendang mampus hahaha.. yang sakit maag ga usahlahnasi liwet - enakkkkkk gurihhhhhhsop betawi - gak enak banget masa masih keras gitu jeroannya pas gw makan trus potongannya kecil2 kayak buat nyelip2 di gigi doang hahaha..asinan sayur - mayan sih tapi ga gitu pedes dan isinya banyakan kolnya. tapi dengan harga yang friendly, mayanlah overal.



    This resto is quite unique. Their concept is vintage, selling Indonesian dish and jajanan kampung haha their price is quite low and it taste good. You must try their Es Kayak di Orchard! Taste great and very photogenic 😜

  • AkilH20


    Seruput Resto @ Pasific Place ini rame bgt kalau jam2 peak hours, soalnya rasanya enak.Patut bgt dicoba sop rawon & nasi goreng buntutnya. TOP BGT!Kalau harga lumayan mahal nih. Sesuai lah dengan lokasinya, secara di Pasific Place yaa. But boleh lah sekali2 dicoba. YOLO!Selamat Mencoba.. 😉

  • Ovie_Savitry


    waktu itu lewatin resto ini tergoda sama ice cream kaya di orchad yg dia pajang di depan resto akhirnya kesini deh cobain, terus cobain kue cubitnya juga, mnurut gw semuanya so so aja sih rasanya..

  • Sitti_inf


    Definitely a love/hate relationship with this restaurant. Love: there's not one food I ordered in my previous visits that didn't satisfy me with taste and portion size. Hate: there's not one food I ordered in my previous visits that deserved the price tag, hahahahaha. Oh well, sometimes you're just craving Indonesian food and this is a great solution for when you're stuck at Pacific Place. Bonus point: the vintage interior and the glass wall.

  • Panji M


    Suka Seruput PP karena salah satu tempat murah meriah di PP 😂. Makanan dan camilannya juga beragam. Seringnya pesen pindang patin sama garang asem, kue cubitnya ngga begitu suka.

Lokasi Seruput

Seruput terletak di Pacific Place Mall, Lantai 4, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Jawa di dekat Pacific Place, SCBD. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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