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"What Went Wrong, Sinou Steak?"Yup, that's what my next blogpost title would be but consider this a spoiler instead.Since the steakhouse inception several years ago, I set my hopes quite high for Sinou Steak, knowing that it might position itself peer-to-peer with our local pride such as Holycow Steak or Abuba. But now, I was left devastated with its current, tragic situation.Back then, Sinou Steak used to offer short ribs and even the secondary cut like bolar blade steak. It used to be quite interesting that way because the steakhouse can teach its customers about secondary cut and that they can be as delicious as the prime cuts.Instead now, they are serving sate kambing, sop kambing, and pretty much unrelated stuff with its own name - Sinou STEAK. Well, it's okay if they want to diversify the products but surely, you can actually choose to elevate the real steak lineup instead. To be fair, they do still have interesting lineup of steak nonetheless.The sirloin that I ordered, however, was way too fatty and gave out only small percentage left from the whole meat which was edible. Aside from that, the sauces came in dead cold, as if it was made very fresh... a few days ago. Luckily, after they reheated it, the sauce tasted fine and can actually considered formidable.Another fatal mistake came from the beverage lineup where they can't serve iced drinks but fully aware that it's already way past lunchtime. So we were forced to have soft drinks from the fridge or overpriced mineral water. Aw come on, Sinou Steak. Seriously? You can't provide ice cubes for the drinks as a restaurant?!Additionally, Sinou Steak could use better maintenance for the place since it was hot and humid although they have several air-cons actually. I don't know whether they are trying to save up for the electricity but at least when the customers come, please give them a break. Let them eat comfortably despite the aforementioned shortcomings.Ultimately, I wrote this because as a writer as well as a website, I was hoping that restaurant ventures anywhere in Jakarta or across the globe could conduct good business by giving the best for the customer. I am willing to support in anyway I can even with mere words if that's what it takes to see the restaurant flourishes and at the same time, the smiling faces from happy patrons.Sinou Steak, I sincerely hope that we can improve together and give the best for each other. Thank you.
From outside the concept of this restaurant is more like "barn" with red painting color , you wont miss it. As for the interior dominated with wood and also mirror. Unfortunately the air conditioner cant beat the heat for outside so when i come here it feel hot inside the restaurant and the fan also not working. The service is so so. They served the food fast so perfect for lunch. Now the food. Seeing from the name of course you can tell that they specialities is steak. The price is pocket friendly. I tried their sirloin Wagyu with mashed potato and sinuo sauce on the side. I have it medium well. The steak is perfectly cooked. So tender and juicy. The sause is amazing . Taste like mushroom sauce but more savoury, the mashed potato also creamy and soft texture. The vegetable is perfectly cooked as well. Love the steak ! Here they dont have many varieties of menu just mostly steak and side dishes that often compliment the steak. In overall the steak here is delicious but they really need to work on the AC, since it make it uncomfortable to eat steak with that kind of heat. But will surely come back from more steak.
Lokasinya mudah dijangkau dan dicari. Pas di pinggir jalan senopati gak jauh dari belokan mau ke kawasan SCBD. Tempat nya unik juga, kayak kandang. Untuk makanan menurut saya kurang enak ya. Saus sinou nya lumayan tapi sirloin dan lamb chop terlalu banyak lemak. Lamb chop nya agak mengecewakan, udah banyak lemak, bau nya pun amis kambing banget. Mashed potato nya agak asam. Kayak ada campuran tomat. Mungkin itu ciri khas nya, tapi buat saya kurang memuaskan.
I don't get why Sinou is never crowded. There are only one or two tables filled during lunchtime. I think Sinou's steaks are tastier than other big steakhouse franchises in its price range such as Holy Cow, or even those in higher price range such as Outback.Sinou doesn't serve much aside from its steaks (there are some random dishes such as Nasi Bali but what the hell). But it does the steaks really well. I've tried a wide range of steaks here, and they're all very good.The US Prime RIbs are tasty, succulent, and properly seasoned. The Wagyu steaks are tender. Even the veggies are good, and the french fries crisp & salty.The only shortcoming with some of its steaks is they might have a little too much fat. But it's not that big of a deal for me. The meat itself is great.It's not super-high quality meat like you'll find in upper class steakhouses like Rustique or The Steakhouse, but for the price range it offers (Rp. 100,000 - 145,000) Sinou packs a serious punch. The restaurant is small & simple. It tries to look like a Wild West joint, being true to its identity as just a steakhouse. It's usually quiet too. But this is a seriously good place to enjoy a mid-priced steak.
I used to looove the steak here, but last time i went there, was totally disappointed. The steak taste awful! I ordered medium rare steak, but they're serving me raw (and still bleeding) meat! No wonder there were no other customers eating.. They really need an improvement.
Tbh gue baru tau kalo yang recomended disini steaknya haha. Nuansa barn yard gitu gelap tempatnya, ya terakhir kali cuma nongki2 dan gue pikir masih daerah pangpol ternyata udah senopati. Haha ga jelas. Bye.
Tempatnya lucu bgt tapi makanannya B aja sih. Pelayannya baik dan cepet gak lama gitu.
No doubt, one of the best steak in Jakarta. Their lamb chop was amazing & I really love what they did on their restroom. Very recommended.
Sufi L
Udah suka makan di Sinou sejak lama. Steak yang dihidangkan di sini rasanya khas dan dagingnya selalu juicy and moist. Porsinya cukup besar dan yang paling saya suka selain bumbunya adalah the way Sinou membuat grill lines yang cantik di tiap steaknya. Selain steak, disajikan juga dengan mix vegetable, french fries, dan saus.Sinou Senopati tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, letaknya persis di sebelah kiri jalan raya Senopati. Mudah menemukannya karena ada di deretan sebelum pertigaan jalan menuju SCBD. Walaupun kecil, tempatnya lumayan nyaman. Suasananya seperti hut dan bergaya ala cowboy baik dari tampak depan dan tampak indoornya.I recommend you to try their steak. For me, it's probably the best steak in town. And the sauce's also super yummy.Food: 3.8/5Service: 3.5/5Ambience: 3.6/5Price: 3.8/5x,Revi Maudy Vekelita
Joseph S
Tempatnya gampang dicari, gak terlalu luas, dekorasinya lucu. Steak nya biasa aja sih tapi pelayanannya bagus.
Sinou Steak terletak di Jl. Senopati Raya No. 35, Senopati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Bistik di dekat Senopati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Restoran Steak Terdekat di Jakarta
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10 Restoran Terbaik di Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta
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