Sipirock Coffee

Sipirock Coffee


39 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Sipirock Coffee

Galeri Niaga, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 81, Jagakarsa, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

Sipirock Coffee berlokasikan di Galeri Niaga, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 81, Jagakarsa, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 100.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 23:00 dan merupakan Kopi di area Jagakarsa. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Jagakarsa. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Sipirock Coffee


39 Ulasan

  • mitaak


    Sipirock ini terletak di sebuah ruko di daerah tanjung barat, dan sangat terlihat dari pinggir jalan.Aku udah beberapa kali kesini, karena dekat dari rumah hehe. Setiap kesini pasti ke lantai 2 nya, karena kadang di lantai bawah terlalu ramai kumpulan bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu. Di lantai 2 tersedia smoking dan non-smoking area. Di hari tertetu(aku gak hapal hari nya) ada live music, dan biasanya lagu yang dinyanyikan adalah lagu batak.Tidak hanya menyediakan kopi, Sipirock juga menyediakan beberapa macam makanan khas Sumatra. Untuk yang rindu dengan makanan kampung halaman, boleh datang ke sipirock ditemani dengan segelas kopi :)

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  • Vania T


    Suasananya enak, meskipun dipinggir jalan tapi ga bising... Betah bgt lama2 disini... Kalo malem sering ada yg nyanyi2 lagu batak...khas batak bgt lah pokoknya tempat ini...

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  • O1389JXlindam


    The pewe-est place to have a quality time by chitchat with friends. The upstairs is the most pw spot. Pelayan nya ramah2 banget, gak kaku lah pkknya. Ini tempat emang kalem bgt sih menurut gw, baru nemu cafe se-relaxing ini. Di lantai 2 gak ada musiknya (apa cuma pas gw kesana aja ya?) tapi itu poin nya sih, bikin tenang dan konsen ngobrol HAHA ditambah lg dekorasi kayu2 gitu, harus menikmati suasana deh.Minumannya harga standard tp rasanya ya bolehlah. Ada makanan aneh sih, pisang goreng bumbu pecel. Rasanya ya begitulah, pedes sih karna gw gak suka pedes😂But over all, this place is worth to spend the time at.

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  • Lucy_backpackgal82


    Had lunch here last week. As a Bataknese, I'm so excited that there is a cafe which serves Tapanuli Selatan's cuisines. Along with the name, it also serves kopi Sipirok. Sipirok also my homeland. I love the ambience. Homey and comfortable. How about the food? I tried:• Indahan TukkusIt consists of steamed rice covered by banana leaf, rendang, gulai ayam, gulai kentang, gulai ikan baung, teri medan, vegetables, and sambal tuktuk. Gulai ayam was juicy and tasty. Sambal tuktuk wasn't so spicy but it was okay. I love the teri Medan too!• Sayur Daun Ubi TumbukI really love this dish! The taste reminds me of my childhood because my Opung often cook this dish. It consists of cassava leaf cooked with coconut milk and spices.• Arsik Ikan MasSince I don't really like fish especially golden fish, I think this dish was okay• Holat Ikan BaungThis was very unique dish! It consists of grilled ikan baung with holat ( a unique spice from balakka's skin). The taste was very rich and of course delicious.• Lontong Sayur Bang LemanIt was like lontong sayur Medan. You dont need any explanation of it. Delicious!• Mie Sop MedanIt was like soto mie but more delicious. Consists of mie kuning and mie putih, vegetables, and topped by minched beef. I dont like noodle but this mie sop was the only exception hahaha• LatteI always like coffe and I really excited that my homeland, Sipirok, has various coffee. I had my arabica coffee in latte style and I also love it.• Pisang Goreng Bumbu PecelI love pisang goreng but not with bumbu pecel. It just not like my cup of tea. This menu was unique maybe if you wanna try something different you should order this menu.I love the ambience, I love the food, I love the coffee, and I can get it with affordable price! Absolutely will come back.

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  • Maisnam


    The name is originated from a city in North Sumatra. It is popular for its coffee. This cafe offers various coffee that some originally from Sipirok. Cold and hot, including luwak coffee. This time I ordered the Medan's fried noodle. Not too bad, like it actually. Also ordered the iced coffee and also not so bad. Will stop by if I'm around again but definitely will not crossing the city just to visit this cafe. 😅The food is quite varies, majority Indonesian. Ordered

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