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Review Smorrebrod


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  • NK200075


    Thank you for abang situs web yang jauh jauh beliin ini. This is what my boyf want very much. Gue beli classic +. Taste good, kejunya kerasa banget. Enak enak dan rasa bawangnya juga terasa sekali. Gue nanti bakal beli lagi deh ya. ;)

  • SelviaChan


    I have been knowing smorrebrod since they were only serving at several curated market event in Jakarta. Boothnya selalu panjang dan antri, jadi nggak pernah kesampean beli. Terus baca review Irlin Anindiya baru tau kalau ini buka di office park di daerah TB Simatupang, nah pas kebetulan lagi anter nyokap kerumah temennnya di daerah sekitar sana, decided buat nge situs web ini. Mesen yang classic+beef, pas dateng kejunya udah melted yang berantakan gitu, tapi pas makan, hmmm ga seenak yang dibayangin sih. Biasa aja, cuma kaya roti sandwich pakai keju daging, malah cenderung bau daun bawang kata saya. Harga juga cukup mahal ya, 60k buat roti setipis itu. Hmm, gak akan repeat order sih. Padahal ngebayanginnya kayanya enak banget kaya yang dilihat di film chef, tapi pas makan, kok gak se special itu. Tapi kalau penasaran boleh kok dicoba, karena bisa jadi mungkin pesenan saya yang salah.

  • Kikky_Jackers


    Seriously utk cheese lover harus coba grilled sandwich dr Smorrebrod ini. Saya bbrp kali pesan via situs web, lalu krn penasaran ingin dine-in, maka saya coba lah datang ke outletnya yg di Office 18.It's a small space in office building, no smoking area, and very simple design. Lumayan buat stop by for brunch sm teman atau pasangan, hihi.Pesanan favorit saya Classic++ Grilled Sandwich, kejunya super melting dan words can describe how much I love this smorrebrod. Dan saat dine in, mungkin krn diserving saat masih panas, jadi enak bgt!Waitersnya, hmm...mungkin krn di office building yg cenderung quiet dan sepi, jd agak kurang friendly dan sibuk main hp. Well tapi terobati dgn pesanan yg datang cepat dan sesuai ekspektasi saya.I will definitely come next time (perhaps i'll visit another outlet) dan mau coba menu bigbitesnya. Rasa dgn harganya pas!

  • melumbers


    I am a big fan of their grill cheese sandwich since the time they sold it in every bazaar. Their grill cheese sandwich has a name already in jakarta, their melted cheese is so drooling.Now i come for their tuna melted grilled cheese. It serves almost like the original sandwich that we tasted before, the tuna is on generous amount also with the cheese.. We try the green tea blended as the beverage.. It tastes nice but not too different from other places offer. I love spending time in here while doing my task since it is not that noisy and crowded. What i knew, they are full with website order since they are based on online at the beginning.Now they are opening their new store in Gandaria city mall.

  • Ellitraveller


    BEST GRILLED CHEESE EVER. loved every bite of it. They surely werent stingy of the cheese! Not to mention how huge the bread was! Gosh im so gonna eat it again!!!

  • T. Sutejo W


    BEST COMFORT FOOD EVER. I cant even tell something bad about this place and food.Classic ++•Homemade sourdough, 4 kind of cheeses, caramelized onion, sautee mushroom, a sliced of beef, DA BOMB. The sourdough itself grilled nicely, luarnya crispy, flaky, nice seared, tapi dalamnya soft. Dipadu sama melted cheese yang ooey-gooey that holds the bread together, pas digigit something dripped yaitu juicyness dari mushroom nya.Maple syrup&speculoos grilled cheese•GAAAAHHH, salty yet sweet. Didalamnya perpaduan butter, cheese, peanut butter, speculoos, dan maple syrup. A LOT OF FLAVOURS THAT POPPED UP WHEN I BITE THEM. Atasnya ada sifted confection sugar sebagai pemanis, dan additional maple syrup serta peanut butter make me love this even more.Value added: mas mas nya ramah, ambience nya enak banget, warm, yet cold. Bersih juga, suka banget sama interior nya, furniture nya bikin kesan vintage and classic, wall paintingnya gives tropical accent. Playlistnya juga👌🏻 they have Julian Casablancas, Melee, Naked and Famous, dsb. Gimana ga pengen bikin balik lagi coba?

  • Burhan4567


    Aahh smorrebrod, with those melting cheeses, nobody can resist it. I ordered the classic ++ grilled cheese sandwich and I was in cheese heaven for a moment there. I'll be back for more smorrebrod!

  • yudihanto


    Setelah reda hujan badai di jakarta timur jadi bikin mager kemana2, karena laper banget jd pakai aplikasi ojek online pesen grilled cheese sandwichnya. Aku pesen classic ++ nya 2, sama yang classic nya 1. Rasa sih ya sebenernya bisa dibikin sendiri tapi karena mager + laper jadi rasanya enak aja haha. Untuk harga pas lah buat keju, beef & sauteed mushroomnya. Pengen coba menu lainnya kayanya lbh menarik drpd yang aku pesen 😂👌🏻

  • esthertete


    Sudah lama bgt kepengen cobain sandwich yg satu ini, krn dr foto2nya bikin ngiler bgt. Akhirnya order ini via ojek online. Pas dtg masih lumayan anget. Pesan yg classic++ pas kotaknya di buka ternyata emg beneran melted gt cheese nya. Ukuran sih cukup besar. Roti nya sedikit gosong dan renyah bgt, gue suka bgt krn gue suka roti agak gosong. Pas gue gigit lgsg dpt yg beef. Dan emg bener di dlmnya cheese nya tebel bgt. Dan cheesenya sangat dominan di sandwich ini. Satu side lg yg isinya mushroom sama onion. Mushroom sm onionnya agak manis. Mushroomnya besar2. Dan di bagian mushroom ini cheesenya lbh tebel lg. Jd sandwich ini bener2 tebel cheesenya. Jd dengan harga 60rb lbh sangat2 worth to tryyy

  • Safieranp


    We had a great long weekend last week because of all the bazaars around Jakarta. There were lots of new and interesting food finds and there were some that were just too simple or too out of this world. One of our favorites of last week’s Market & Museum’s “Surprise Kitchen” food and beverage bazaar in Lippo Mall Kemang was, Smørrebrød’s Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Smørrebrød originally means “smør og brød” in Danish, that means “butter and bread” in English. Their sandwiches caught our attention right away because of the amount of cheese they put on each sandwich and because how delicious it looked. So, here we are sharing our Smørrebrød EATSperience to you all, enjoy!

Lokasi Smorrebrod

Smorrebrod terletak di 18 Office Park, Lantai Mezzanine Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18, Cilandak, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Jakarta. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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