


39 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Soulfood

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 72, Kemang, Jakarta

Soulfood berlokasikan di Jl. Kemang Raya No. 72, Kemang, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 75.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Indonesia di area Kemang. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Kemang. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Soulfood


39 Ulasan

  • Road616904


    FOOD FOR THE SOUL✨🌸Been wanting to try this restaurant for a while, but never really know what kind of food they sell. Trus akhirnya ngebrowse2 di situs web, dan liat2 menu recommendednya, akhirnya nyobaiin Paket A nasi uduk (ayam goreng, lalapan, saus kacang dan semur tahu). Pas dateng, liat tataan makanannya keanya enakk. Akhirnya difotoiin dlu makanannya dan bersantaaap ria😌🍴First impression: nasi uduknyaaaa I LOVE pake saus kacangnya juga enakkk dan ada bawang gorengnyaa UUu yummy! Very recommended klo beneran mau coba makaannnya yg nasi uduk enak.Tpi ayam gorengnya dan semurnya disappointing ;( bumbu ayam goreng gamresap kedalem ayamnya, tahunya juga berasa tawar which is sad HU. I was expecting for it to be tasty from the look of it. Sy coba makanin dan cocol dengan saus kacangnya tpi gabgtu membantu. Huuum.Harga dan porsi sbtulnya ini agak slightly pricey yahh, but then again, nasinya nasi uduk dan semurnya dapet dua sih, so ya so-so for value. Would i come back? No.Rate? 3.

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  • Dandyberat22


    Awalnya gara2 cari tempat arisan daerah kemang di saat weekend itu rata2 tempat penuh. Dan akhirnya gue reserve deh ke soulfood ini buat ngadain disini. Untuk tempat Ternyata luas yaaa kalo diluar kita liatnya kecil tp Ternyata gak sekecil itu. Untuk makanan enak!!! Gue nyobain Paket ramesan yg lidah mercon. Itu enak bgt ternyata nasi yg disajiin itu nasi cumi. Trs jg nyobain paket nongkrong. Wedang susu jahe nya enak! Pelayanannya oke, tempatnya bersih dan yg terakhir suasananya tenang! Asli itu enak bgtt suasananya gue ngerasa arisan gue dan kawan2 jadi lebih kerasa aja moment bareng2nya. Gue sih pasti bakal balik lg kesini.

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  • Dickywilko


    Very good ambience and great taste of cuisine. Especially if you looking for Indonesian taste. Good place at the center of culinary area at Kemang. Affordable prices and great smiles and services from their staff. Try it.

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  • Nicko A


    The place:Me and 2 of my friends went here for lunch. Small restaurant that has this authentic traditional ambience. Love all the antique details (the decoration kind of remind me of grammy's house). Definitely instagramble!The food we had:- Kembulan Lunch Platter, love the nasi cumi item (squid inked rice) and the ayam kecombrang (spiced chicken). Perfect for two, but we had it for three people. The rest of the dishes didn't amaze me that much. Taste wise, it's somewhere around 3/5. But if you want to get a glimpse of Indonesian food, this choice is a good starter since it practically has many dishes in on meal.In short:Taste 3/5Price 3/5Place 3.5/5Service 4/5

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  • briantonoindroprasto


    One nice place with lovely ambience to go if you crave comfort food! I had the squid ink rice and the spicy beef tongue (heard that those were the specialties) about three months ago. I still remember how tasty the rice was; even felt as if it was without any MSG added.Gotta say the spicy beef tongue was not that spicy for me, and I had had more flavourful ones at other comfort food stalls. Nevertheless, it was not bad at all!There were dried sweet tofu and tempeh served with the rice. They were too dry to gnaw at, tho.

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