Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee


30 Ulasan


Rp 60.000 / Orang

Lotte Shopping Avenue, Karet

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Lokasi Starbucks Coffee

Ciputra World, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Karet, Jakarta

  • Sarapan
  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

Starbucks Coffee berlokasikan di Ciputra World, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Karet, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 60.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Kopi di area Lotte Shopping Avenue, Karet. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Lotte Shopping Avenue, Karet. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Starbucks Coffee


30 Ulasan

  • vidhyasingh


    So far, i always love Starbucks ambience ! Kemarin mampir buat nyoba minuman baru dia (exclusive for starbucks member)📷on frame :Popcorn Caramel Frapp with Coffee 🍿+☕ = 😍😍💰price : IDR 58k (Venti)♨Rasa : a little bit too sweet but i really really love it ! Popcorn with coffee never go wrong !

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  • asutedjo


    I went here when i had an office training. Because Jakarta was famous with their traffic jam in the morning, i should arrived at the training early in the morning. So yes surely i arrived at the place too early in the morning. Then i decided to drink a morning caffein. Hehehe so the starbuck the choosen one for coffee.

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  • adi637


    Tempat ngopi paling favorit yaa disini tempatnya nyaman suasananya jg enak buat nongkrong bareng temen..yg paling saya suka hot caramell latte..pelayanannya jg ramah bgt...

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  • MarquisaJakarta


    Your average starbucks venue although this place is a bit different. It does provide outdoor seat for those who wants to enjoy the fresh air of Jakarta (wait what?!) or for those who wants to enjoy cigarettes with their coffee.The entrance from the outdoor has a metal detector and a security (but he was standing by inside the store. This is one of those rare Starbucks store that doesn't use as their standard Internet service. So don't expect much.It can get a 4.5 if only one of their staff wasn't sitting down by the bar while lying her head down like she was trying to get a few power naps. It wasn't professional at all.

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  • fajaradhi14


    Pas saya kesana sih baristanya ramah dan baik. Tempatnya cozy, lega, dan ga begitu berisik. Saya pesan minumannya caramel macchiato dan caramel java chip. Overall dua-duanya enak

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