Super Slice

Super Slice


18 Ulasan


Rp 25.000 / Orang

Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading

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Lokasi Super Slice

Mall Kelapa Gading 1&2, Lantai Ground, Farmers Market, Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Super Slice berlokasikan di Mall Kelapa Gading 1&2, Lantai Ground, Farmers Market, Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 25.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Es Krim di area Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Super Slice


18 Ulasan

  • riskyagustin99


    A friend posted a picture of this ice cream the other day. So yesterday me and my girlfriend passed the stall, and we decided to try them. The employee said that it's from Thailand, and that they use natural ingredients. She said that she only uses milk as the main ingredient (with different toppings and different prices), but I doubt that though. So first, she put the topping (Marie biscuits, in my case) on the chilled-ice-cream-maker machine. She crushed those toppings, and then she poured out the milk. Then she mixed them altogether, and after they're equally mixed, she spread the mix across the maker. After 1-2 minutes (judging from the time taken, I'm guessing that the chiller is around - 0.25° C, that is the freezing point of milk), the mix started to freeze, and she rolled up the mix into several rolls. After she put them in a cup, she added the final ingredients (caramel sauce, in my case). Walla! About the taste, honestly, it's pretty ordinary. I don't know about the other flavors, but the one that I ordered (Crutziel) was not as good as expected. I imagined a more Marie biscuits kinda taste, but more like just a milky taste. The price is ranging from IDR 25-30k, depending on the toppings that you chose. So it's almost the same with other premium ice creams. Bottom line: if you're into ice cream, trying this one is never a mistake. But don't expect you'll get something memorable.

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  • hikmanwar


    Super Slice ini merupakan ice cream yang dibuat dengan cara yang antimainstream karena dari dibuat dari susu yang dicampur dengan coklat kebetulan yang kami pesan adalah coklat yang diaduk aduk diatas sebuah mesin yan dingin banget. Lalu dengan topping oreo dan di aduk aduk sampai mengental dan mengeras lalu setelah agak mengeras adonan itu di ceperkan dan di diamkan. Ketika uda dinging lalu diserutkan sehingga seperti gulungan.

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  • Andhika Z


    Ice cream dari Thailand ini memang agak berbeda dengan ice cream lain dari cara pembuatannya.Kita harus menunggu terlebih dahulu karena waiternya akan membuat langsung sesuai pesanan kita. Nyobain chocomaltine, ice creamnya sangat light karena memang hanya terbuat dari susu cair, bubuk coklat dan ovomaltine. Tekstur ice cream yang lembut ini mengingatkan saya pada ice cream homemade yang sering saya buat sendiri dengan gelato maker di rumah jaman dulu banget. Saya suka ice cream dengan flavour chocomaltine ini karena memang lebih suka rasa ice cream home made tanpa pengawet yang seperti ini dibandingkan ice cream lain yang sudah banyak pengawet, flavour dan terlalu creamy. Recommended untuk pencinta ice cream homemade, tapi kalau yang suka ice cream yang creamy kekinian kemungkinan besar tidak akan suka ice ceam ini. Untuk foto2 aja juga sebenarnya lucu juga bentuknya😆

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  • YoanY4


    As an ice cream lovers, I personally think Roll Ice Cream is great. The presentation is so cute. And they made the ice cream in front of customers which make the customers very interested. I ordered pink swirl and the price was affordable (25k). For the taste, I love it. The texture is light and soft, also not too sweet. So different from other "creamy" ice cream. I always love homemade natural ice cream so I will be back to try another flavour.Find me on ig : dephitralala 😆

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  • mahar2211


    bosen sama snack-snack yang itu aja ??cobain snack ya deh disini pasti bikin kalian ketagihan 😁rasanya enak loh , bikin mulut gak mau berenti ngunyah 😅

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