Sushi Miya8i

Sushi Miya8i


20 Ulasan


Rp 80.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Sushi Miya8i

Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No. 19, Gandaria, Jakarta

Sushi Miya8i berlokasikan di Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No. 19, Gandaria, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 80.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Jepang di area Gandaria. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Gandaria. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Sushi Miya8i


20 Ulasan

  • Moussa L


    This is my first visit to this sushi place. Well I've been to Tebet's outlet a long time ago. And now visiting this outlet for their All You Can Eat promo from LivingSocial. Went there around iftar time. The place is so crowded at the time but lucky me there's an empty table for 2. We give the voucher to the waiter but the service was SUPER SLOW! And from what I saw there's a few table who ordered the same (AUCE Promo). After waiting for about 25 minutes, finally they bring us a sushi platter. I asked the waiter for the Promo Menu. But he said that the Promo Menu is not available and that is all what they served for the AUCE Promo. I was so DISAPPOINTED! I read again the promo on the website, and they said there is 16 or 18 menu to be served. But what I got was only 1 platter with 8 kind of not-so-fresh-sushi. Sorry to say, but I think they really didn't prepare with the crowd for the promo. That's why sh*t happened?! After finished with 1 plate, we asked for another one. But again, we have to wait for 40 minutes!! Yeah. That was so bad! I pay for almost 160K but what I got is only maybe about 100K and a big disappointment. Please improve your service next time. But sorry, I might not go here again. The sushi is not fresh and not so good. ????????

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  • noorchadijah


    Pernah sekali nyobain Sushi Miyabi yang di Radal. Dan ini pertama kalinya gw nyobain restoran yang ala-ala doang. Meskipun harganya terbilang murah, tapi semuanya emg murah sih.1. Harganya murah2. Rasanya murahan3. Pelayanan... bahkan warung tenda masih ngasih respon.4. Suasana, cuman gede tempatnya doang tapi panasGw ga tega kalo ngasih detail rasa makanannya, dan dari semua makanan yang gw coba, gw cuman makan 1 doang jadi ga ada yang abis. Pacar gw pun juga makan setengah doang bahkan. Kita disini cuman 10 menit setelah makanan dateng, lgsg minta bill dan pindah ke restoran lain.Tapi yah yang namanya taste orang kan beda-beda, mungkin gw lagi sial aja kali dateng kesana (padahal gak rame). Everybody has their opinion.Cheers...

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  • atingregina


    An overrated budget sushi stall. I believe it's because the owners is well known celebrity who happen to tweet this place quite often you basically are brainwashed to give it a try.Like many budget sushi, you really need to order a fusion sushi because you can't count of their freshness. So at least you can count on their mayonnaise. Even though the title is budgeted sushi, it's not really that cheap. For one thing the sliced fish is thin and small, you basically eat the rice with soyu and wasabi.Whether you order mayo or baked cheese the taste is almost the same.I think the most value more money is their ice cream. At least it help you beat the humid weather because there's no AC here.Really not suitable for lunch during sunny day.

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  • EllenFKL


    Took away some sushi and the taste was average. Not really fresh but the ginger and wasabi really help lol. Untuk ukuran, Sushi Miyabi cenderung kecil2 ya. Tempatnya juga kurang nyaman that's why saya take away karena dulu penasaran sama rasanya. Kualitas makanannya ternyata so so banget. Apalagi banyak banget kompetitor restaurant sushi dengan kualitas yang jauh lebih baik. Well, memang harganya cenderung tidak terlalu mahal but still saya lebih prefer bayar lebih dgn kualitas ok dibanding murah dan rasanya "murahan". Sayang bgt krn sebenernya target Sushi Miyabi di kelas sushi dgn harga miring ini ok so it's better to melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan di segala aspek resto Sushi Miyabi ini.Food: 2.5/5Service: 3/5Ambience: 3/5Price: 2.5/5x,Revi Maudy Vekelita

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  • 303_KenBoulder


    Saya coba Sushi Miyabi yang di Gandaria. Tempatnya asri, luas dan ada big screen nya buat nonton bola. Harga makanannya murah tapi rasanya kurang banget. Ada harga memang ada barang.

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