The Baked Goods

The Baked Goods


5 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang


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  • 213ferdinandusr


    "For authentic Czech cakes, come here!"That's their slogan and wow, good thing to know that Czech cakes are delicious!My favourite is their carrot cakes. Each bite, you can somehow know that this is made from carrot but it's still yummy (since carrots are, you know, bland)! Best carrot cake so far, even Union's one is an utter defeat compared to this one.I also tried their Bublanina, the authentic Czech cake. It tastes weird but in the good way. Like you know it's great and satisfying your taste palette but it's so unique and unfamiliar you can't appreciate it comprehendly. Guess I just have to taste other Czech culinary.To conclude, great cakes + good ambiance + worthy price = a dessert store to visit! They also have a kiosk in Senayan City, for you who not frequently travel to Sabang and deal with its excruciating parking slot.P.S.: They also serve healthy-version of cakes! So go cherish them, health-conscious people!

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  • markus s


    Letak cafe ini sangat strategis di daerah Sabang, Menteng.Interiornya ditata dengan manis oleh ownernya yang cantik, Jana Parengkuan.(Model dan istri MC Erwin Parengkuan).Tempatnya cukup cozy dengan beberapa meja kecil di ruangan dalam, dan banyak meja di luar khusus untuk smoking area.Cakes dan cookies di sini di terbuat dari bahan bahan natural, healthy, organic,tanpa pewarna buatan dan tanpa perasa.Tersedia juga diabetic cakes dan cookies khusus untuk orang diabetes.Mocca cake dan Dark Choco Rhum cake menjadi pilihan dessert hari ini.Kedua cake rasanya sama sekali tidak manis.Sangat cocok untuk orang yang tidak suka manis dan concern dgn kesehatan dan healthy ingridients.Untuk saya pencinta sweet desserts, harus benar2 merubah mindset untuk menikmati cakenya dengan memikirkan keunggulan bahan bermutu dan sehat di dalam cake tersebut.Kebetulan lagi ada promo :*Buy 2 cakes get 1 Rosella ice tea, jadi tadi saya dapat free Rosella tea*Buy 1 get 1 untuk cookiesnya dan saya membeli :- Lemon poppyseed enak banget.. Ada rasa asam dari sari lemon asli...terasa mewah dan Recommended.- Dark chocolate with cashew..enak juga campuran crushed cashew nut didalam dark chocolate cookiesnya terasa mewah dan sangat berbeda dgn bakery atau cookie store yang menjual kue2 yang serupa. Recommended.Saya akan kembali untuk mencoba cake yang lainnya.

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  • 703reinhardp


    I love their homemade cookies since the first bite and always craving for more. Since I move to my new office, I am kind off miss it. So when I get the change to visit them, I brough home this two, yes, only those, it is a bit pricy to me now for a box of cookies. Thank goodness the taste don't let me down.

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  • mirzaasril


    Waktu lagi cari-cari kue ulangtaun buat mama, akhirnya memutuskan buat ke toko kue satu ini karena ada kue yg aman untuk penderita diabetes.. Waktu itu saya order carrot cake.. Pas dicobain enak sih.. Tp mama ngga terlalu suka karena ada aroma cinnamonnya..

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  • Tony C


    The place is well-decorated with nice touch. Located at Sabang, makes me want to at least try one cake. In Januari, I've tried chocolate eggless but I kinda dissapoint because the cake was too hard, I know that eggless cake would not soft, but I wasn't expected that crunchy. My friend ate cheseecake and bulbo.. It's quite tasty...

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Lokasi The Baked Goods

Jl. Sabang No. 16, Menteng, Jakarta

The Baked Goods terletak di Jl. Sabang No. 16, Menteng, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Menteng. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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