The Halal Boys

The Halal Boys


30 Ulasan


Rp 60.000 / Orang

Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading

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Lokasi The Halal Boys

Mall Kelapa Gading 3, Lantai Ground, Gading Walk, Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

The Halal Boys berlokasikan di Mall Kelapa Gading 3, Lantai Ground, Gading Walk, Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 60.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review The Halal Boys


30 Ulasan

  • Win L


    Dari awal pertama Halal Boys ini buka di Senayan, gue udah penasaran banget pengen coba. Tapi karena kejauhan dari rumah, jadi males kesananya. Eh ternyata mereka buka juga di Gading Walk.Gue pesen half lamb & half chicken. Proses pembuatannya cepet banget, paling cuma 3 menit. Jangan lupa kalo beli, banyakin saus putihnya karena itu enak banget!! Rasa makanannya? Enak menurut gue. Berasnya enak, chicken & lamb juga enak, padahal gue biasanya ga makan lamb. Pokoknya enak deh!!

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  • stephanus_michaelt


    Cari makanan yang:1. Halal2. Kenyang (1 box ada nasi+tortila bread+ sayur+daging)3. Murah (55rb/box)4. Sehat (sayur banyak n FRESH)5. Enak (nasinya beda, ad rsa kari nya. Daging nya pke bumbu rhsia)6. Bisa takeaway n Dine In (di atas truck nya ad bbrp tmpt ddk)7. Go-Food (Search The Halal Boys)8. Cepat penyajiannya (GPL)9. Banyak daging nya (ayam/lamb/half n' half)10. Rasa yang beda (kalo di mix jadi nikmat dan bikn NAGIH)Cuss langsung ke Gading Walk, Kelapa Gading.!

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  • Indria W


    It's like having a kebab, but also like having biryani. Their sauce is insanely good, and their rice is really light too so it doesn't feel like you're eating something so heavy. The chicken was a bit dry, but all in all would eat again.

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  • Happytiler


    Beberapa minggu lalu sempat kesini sore-sore karena iseng dan dapet rekomendasi dari adik. Katanya sih worth to try kalo lagi lapar dan mau nyoba sesuatu yang baru. Begitu datang kesini, eksteriornya eyecatching sekali ala foodtruck yang lagi in banget. Disini saya pesan Half-Half, begitu juga pacar saya. Ketika kesini kan kita kira bisa pake kartu bayarnya, tapi ternyata nggak bisa. Kebetulan saya dan pacar low on cash, jadi deh pacar saya ambil uang dulu padahal sudah di depan cashier. Eh sebel ya, pelayannya ketawa ketiwi nggak jelas sambil bisik bisik lirik lirik ke arah saya yang lagi sibuk main hp. Huhh. Anyway. Menurut saya sih rasa gyros yang dielu-elukan itu... Hm. Biasa aja. Nothing special. Disajikannya cepat ala ala makanan reheated, tapi nggak WARM/HOT sama sekali ya. Overall taste-nya bland. Even ketika udah ditambah saus merah putihnya itu. Satu hal selain bland food taste dan rude unsatisfying service, saya agak concern sama hygienenya. Untuk makan di tempat, disediakan bagian atas food truck aka roof nya. Gagal paham, ini sebetulnya self service atau memang jorok, kok bekas makan orang sebelumnya masih berserakan dimana-mana. Padahal disediakan lho tong sampah besar di pojokan. Sudah gitu tangga keatasnya super narrow. Hati-hati ya yang bawa anak kecil.. Saya aja seram naiknya.Kesimpulannya.. Saya jadi kurang ngerti mana hype-nya resto ini. The price you paid and what you got didn't seem all worthy enough. Well.. So long!

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  • Michael W


    Ever since Halal Boys opened in Kelapa Gading, I was really looking forward to try what they're actually taste like. They are located in Mal Kelapa Gading, in the Gading Walk area. They're known for their middle-eastern style rice bowls, which uses lamb and/or chicken.The store was inside a container-shaped box, decorated with their yellow branding. There's only a small room to eat, which was directly above their shop. Judging from the place they provided, I assume their main targets are for those who wanted to eat fast, to-go rice dishes. But sitting up there was actually quite fun, especially if it was night and windy like when I visited the store. It's an outdoor area, which means smokers are free to spread their smokes around.[Venue Score: 3/5]I ordered Half-half Rice Bowl, which was a mix between lamb and chicken meat. The whole bowl consists of briyani rice, lettuce, some kind of pita bread, and the meat itself. You would be recommended to use the sauces they provided, the white sauce, the red sauce (this is really hot, trust me), and the barbecue sauce. My advice, if you'd like your bowl to be super tasty, add a lot of white and barbecue sauce (unless if you like super spicy foods, add the red one as well).The taste was not bad, but lower than I expected. It's nice and tasty, but I feel like I could make dishes like this at home (well, not exactly..). Another downside was that it's served not hot and fresh, but only a slight warmth was felt. I'm pretty sure it's waaay better if it was served hot.[Food Score: 2.5/5]One rice bowl costs me IDR 55k, and a bottle of 330 ml of mineral water costs me IDR 10k. So it's IDR 65k if you're eating and drinking. Not worth the price for what I got. It's too expensive for the portion they serve.[Price Score: 2/5]Bottom line: I actually had high hopes for Halal Boys. Some of my friends recommended it and I've been eager to try since then. For the price they're charging, I wouldn't recommend if you're not that hyped about it.

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