
The Rosemary


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Rp 150.000 / Orang

Standard Chartered Building, Karet

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  • Senin: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Selasa: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Rabu: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Kamis: 11:00 - 20:00
  • Jumat: 11:00 - 20:00

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  • michaeltanera


    Salmon, it is a very popular fish that almost everyone loves. Whether served grilled or as a sushi, everyone has tried it once and fallen in love with this amazing fish. Now what "The Rosemary" has done with there Wine and Lemon Poached Salmon is incredible. By allowing the salmon to be poached, the flavour is infused deep into the salmon. The smell of white wine and lemons arises as your fork breaks through layer after layer of salmon. BUT HOLD ON what makes this dish even better is the hollandaise sauce. Meticulously poured onto the poach salmon that is resting on mash potatoes this dish is truly incredible and unique. The hollandaise sauce works very well with both the salmon and the mash potatoes. The hollandaise, salmon and mash when all mixed in your mouth have such amazing texture. The smoothness and creaminess of all these foods makes you feel like you are eating dessert. The salmon is soft and juicy mixed in with the mash which is fluffy and with the hollandaise sauce which is creamy and sweet. NOW DON'T forget the two delicately placed grilled asparagus, now it may not seem like much. But these asparagus are beautifully seasoned and grilled to perfection. This is a dish that was prepared by angels, YES YOU HEARD ME ANGELS! And when you finish you don't even feel full, when I was halfway through eating this dish I was already thinking if I could order more of it. In conclusion I give this dish 5 out 5, it is worth the price and presentation wise It looks visually stunning and not to mention taste amazing!Ā Price: 105,000 IDR

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  • ChrisLangmaid


    Awesome space to hang out and have beers with your friends and colleagues! The burgers taste amazing and the menu changes every week so there's always something new to try!

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  • Evien I


    Honey Tasting by Honey Lane šŸšŸÆ Disini kita nyobain banyak kreasi makanan yang menggunakan bahan dasar madu. Madu yang digunakan pun unik karena memiliki beragam rasa seperti vanilla, cinnamon dan ginger yang menjadi ciri khas madu Honey Lane šŸ˜‹šŸ˜

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  • 308rikaa


    Secara dekorasi & playlist lagu yang diputar, tempat ini asik banget. Nuansa British nya bikin nyaman dan betah untuk duduk & ngobrol lama.Sayang oh disayang, Fish & Chips yang waktu itu diorder sama temen gue tidak 'seindah' dekorasinya. Tapi Pancake yang gue order lumayan.Kayaknya tempat ini memang lebih fokus untuk jual minuman sih. Mulai yang biasa, sampe yang khusus dewasa. Fyi for tea lover like me, mereka pakai brand TWG lho untuk teh nya, jadi ga mengecewakan lah ā˜ŗ

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  • halim18


    Welcome to the first British Gastropub in Jakarta!Ā Located in Jakartaā€™s CBD, The Rosemary is the latest gastropub and sanctuary for office workers and is the best place to hold your casual meetingsĀ in the center of Jakarta. Although they have been open a few months when I wrote this post, but I think itā€™s good to share my first experience here to you.

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Lokasi The Rosemary

Standard Chartered Building, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio No. 164, Karet, Jakarta

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The Rosemary terletak di Standard Chartered Building, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio No. 164, Karet, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Standard Chartered Building, Karet. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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