
TRF Homemade


5 Ulasan


Rp 62.000 / Orang

Plaza Senayan, Senayan

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Plaza Senayan, Lantai Basement, Food Hall, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta

TRF Homemade berlokasikan di Plaza Senayan, Lantai Basement, Food Hall, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 62.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Minuman di area Plaza Senayan, Senayan. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Plaza Senayan, Senayan. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review TRF Homemade


5 Ulasan

  • hizkiaroy


    Finally got a chance to buy trf!:) well I bought it in Gogirl expo 2014 Senayan City 2 days ago. I bought their vegan cakes which are Banana Nutella cake and Carrot cake. The Banana Nutella cake was yummy!:) I mean its delicious if you compare it to other vegan cakes..the texture was dense, a bit dry, but love the homemade nutella cream:) less sweet, less calories, less carbs :) although every vegan cake isnt as moist/fluffy/yummy as a normal cake, but healthy is better right?And The Carrot cake was veryyyy thick (big slice), a bit dry yet dense, less sweet, and love the white cream on top!:)

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  • etik1302


    They say "healthy" and "yummy" stand at opposing ends. TRF proves that to be wrong. And they say healthy food is pricey and it is usual. Once again, they prove it wrong. All the delicacies are sugar free, mostly vegan and gluten free. Can't say that it's cheap but I still consider it to be affordable. Especially now, during the celebration of their 1st bday, they're giving out 20% discount for all items! 45k for a cake and a brownie, isn't it a good deal?I tried the gluten free nutella banana cake, matcha brownie, and also took home homemade oatmeal cookies for my dad. Haven't tried the last one so I'll speak more about the first two cakes. Both tasted great, I could even smell the green tea and banana aroma just right after I opened the box. But the texture wasn't as soft and fluffy as regular cakes (yea what do you expect, it's much healthier so I really don't mind). The matcha brownie was sort of hard and dry. On contrary, the banana nutella cake was bit too gooey and still looked raw inside. But once again, they all did taste great.There were also quiches and other pretty-looking cakes on display. I'm not a fan of cooked veggies so I'm way more interested on the cakes, specially the pomegranate velvet. Will surely come back for more guiltless pleasure.

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  • TravellerJeffLee


    I'm not always put myself in a healthy mode. But when I do, TRF has always been my first choice when it comes to healthy food. This particular Choco Oat Cake with Cacao Nibs is definitely my favorite for a yummy yet healthy treats.Two thick layers of fluffy and moist chocolate cake with chocolate spread in between. On top of the cake there was some chocolate icing and cacao nibs. This cake was just beyond perfect for me. The cake itself somehow has this dense but moist texture that makes you feel full at once. The cake itself was not sweet at all but the icing on the top balance it. They could have put some more cacao nibs on top of it because for me, it was just not enough. Well maybe it was just me, lovin' the cake waaay to much so a slice won't fulfill my (always) hungry tummy.-------For more pictures and review,simply follow me on Instagram (@anjanidisti)

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  • ade_nurdianto


    Honestly, i am a dessertholic. I love to eat cakes but apparently i always keep my diet on track. I was suprised to discover this healthy booth down in senayan and grand indonesia. I tried the cakes and surprisingly the taste was awesome! No butter, no egg, gluten free, no milk, no sugar, it was perfect! I have no guilty feeling.. Perfect for vegans!

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  • fisyan1


    Pertama kali beli cold-pressed juice disini aku order yg Supergreen dan kedua kalinya aku order Refreshing. Supergreen rasanya standar lah ya karena sayurannya juga sama seperti yg lain. Tapi kalo yg Refreshing ini sedikit berbeda karena pakai basil yg membuat rasa juucenya seger spicy herbal gitu lah.Juice yg dihasilkan bagus dan baik. Sebenarnya rasa dari semua juice sama aja (karena kalau cold-pressed juice kan ga pakai gula dan air) tergantung dari juicer yg digunakan. Karena ada juga toko cold-pressed juice yg menghasilkan juicenya masih ada ampasnya.Untuk pelayanan cukup baik dan ramah. Karena ini hanya booth jadi ga bisa dine-in.Untuk harga sih standar ya ga begitu mahal.

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