Uncle Lee

Uncle Lee


25 Ulasan


Rp 45.000 / Orang

Kelapa Gading

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Lokasi Uncle Lee

Jl. Boulevard Raya, Blok QF 1 No. 17, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Uncle Lee berlokasikan di Jl. Boulevard Raya, Blok QF 1 No. 17, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 45.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Chinese Food di area Kelapa Gading. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Kelapa Gading. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Uncle Lee


25 Ulasan

  • vitrimarty


    Restoran yang memiliki pelayanan terbaik!Parah. Bagus banget service nya. Ramah dan teliti banget pelayannya. Owner nya juga ramah! Paling amazed pas ke kamar mandi nya..... Padahal restoran ini not too big. But the service is excellent!Makanannya juga super enakkk! Claypot bakut nya enak banget. Porsinya banyak daging ngeresep. Hipio nya juga enak. Paling juara ayam goreng bawang nya soooo good! Terakhir disuguhin semangka.Mungkin harganya agak mahal ya. Makan ber7 superduper kenyang abis 600ribuan. But worth to try banget dan pasti bakal balik lagi!!

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  • Hasanah79


    Sort of a hidden gem in Kelapa Gading. Uncle Lee provide an old classic claypot rice and variety chinese dishes. Great taste and quantity. The waiter were attentive and the place were nice it feel like in modern classic restaurant.

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  • AdityaS2665


    actually its my 2nd time to dine in here...and like my 1st..its not dissapointed..the foods are delicious, especially the baikut claypot and pork satay (i always order its). what i like most from this reataurant..is the bathroom. its smell good, very clean and its show they really take good care about it and they care about their customer too.its really surprise me and light up my day..thank you for your delicous food and your good service and caring😊

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  • syamsul c


    My LORD! This is like a hidden GEMS of pork lover. Seriously, they’re doing such a great job serving foods (and that’s it period!) they don’t bother putting cute ornaments, dazzling lightings, or even fancy menus, & extravagant drinks. But the food was to droll for and the service was nice. If your not a big-eater perhaps their size will surprise you, personally I always share this (S) size with another person. Their price might look too much, until you see their portion. Dan ini bukan hanya resto yg serve porsi besar, dagingnya sedikit ya. Their meat will knock you out. Always came for Pork Claypot (not a single complaint here *busy munching foods*) and occasionally ordered Hipio Cah Babi (*still too busy munching foods to complain*)P.S : Wi-Fi also works (unlike some restaurant’s who always has a trouble w/ their Wi-Fi *cough*)We just came here and fell in love with the food to even bother about anything else. Aren’t this is what a dining place supposed to do? Kudos you guys, for running this place so well.

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  • p1guru


    Ngajakin saudara yg suka makan bakut ke Uncle Lee utk cobain Bakut Claypot Rice nya..Saat pesanan disajikan, tampilannya menggugah selera 😋 Menurut saudara saya, ini termasuk bakut yg enak. Tempat makannya juga nyaman. Bakut Claypot Rice ukuran small 72k bisa sharing berdua..

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