VIN+ Wine & Beyond

VIN+ Wine & Beyond


32 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang


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Lokasi VIN+ Wine & Beyond

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 45 B, Kemang, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

VIN+ Wine & Beyond berlokasikan di Jl. Kemang Raya No. 45 B, Kemang, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 150.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 2:00 dan merupakan Bistik di area Kemang. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Kemang. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review VIN+ Wine & Beyond


32 Ulasan

  • PBHerd


    I honestly like this place, been here few times with my colleagues. But I don’t like the staff’s attitude, named R..A. She’s so rude, but she’s sweet to guys. ONLY guys! She flirted with my fiancee, i was like wtf is this girl doing! Next time if I come to vin+ I don’t wanna see her anymore! Please do something for this! I didn’t expect to write bad review for my first review on website

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  • kspbservices


    Di tempat ini bermacam wine tersedia.. dr red wine maupun white wine.. dr harga 400 k smp 1 jeti lebih 😆😁 ada yg bantu menjelaskan masing2 wine klo kita bingung dlm memilih.. tempat makan juga tersedia disini 😆

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  • CaptainFancyPants


    Salah satu tempat favorite buat chill malem malem. Tempatnya cozy banget, ada live musicnya. Kalo ga suka wine juga banyak menu lain. Sayangnya parkiran agak sempit

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  • blacklittleminidres


    After felt dissapointed of vin+ central park's service, i came to vin+ kemang yesterday.I and friend ordered their breakfast speciality: steak&egg and egg benedict as our lunch meals and we chose h&c booster & rejuvenate for drink. We also ordered blueberry panacota as dessert.For the main course, I love it. The steak is much better than i ate in vin+ central park.(but i wonder why i couldnt find the australian steak i ever ordered before. I dont find any steak choice on menu, only steak& egg and steak sandwich, i guess for steak lovers. Maybe they have other menu for meat&wine since i sat on their cofeeshop area)The steak is thick enough and tasty.I guess this one can be recommended menu for people who wants to come to vin+ kemang.My friend's pork bacon is also cripsy.Both of main course is worthed compared to their price.The place is cozy enough. Like i mentioned before, i n friend sat on coffeeshop area. Based on my experiences yesterday, i think this area is nice even for studying or talking. But unfortunately people can smoke freely there.

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  • E3986PJpaulinec


    Great selection of wine and food. food options are very tasty and great portions. The wine store connected to the restaurant makes it super easy to select a wine and enjoy it at the restaurant. The casaca chunks were really nice, Staff is attentive. This place is very popular on weekdays, I think there’s a live band and good music.

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