Voguerina Taipei

Voguerina Taipei


23 Ulasan


Rp 40.000 / Orang

Mall Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading

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Review Voguerina Taipei


23 Ulasan

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  • naufal n


    I've bought their products a few times. The latest ones were charcoal toast, beet & cranberry bun and chocolate bun. Charcoal toast: This is a healthier option than white toast. This black toast is just as soft as its white counterpart and goes along well with any spread. I personally prefer to eat it with almond spread. Beet & cranberry: This pink sweetie is also taste good, but IMO the cranberries are too sweet.Chocolate bun: One of my favorites! You've got the chocolate in the dough and chocolate as the filling.Note: 1. This store gives the information about the calories of some of their breads. Thank you, Vougerina! It helps me to prevent myself from overeating. 2. You can buy 3 small buns, like chocolate buns or beet & cranberry buns for only 10k!!!

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  • Vidiiividii


    Suka banget ama roti disini, lembut n ukurannya gede. Selain itu penggunaan ragi alami tanpa bahan kimia bikin roti ini jadi lebih enak n sehat pastinya...

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  • annisarahmawati


    Hmmm..tertarik beli kue disini karena mottonya roti sehat, ragi alami, tanpa kimia..Dan pastinya tanpa pengawet (sudah dibuktikan sendiri, jadi memang kuenya tdk tahan lama)..Kue2 dan rotinya semua sudah dalam kemasan plastik, jadi ga kuatir kotor kena debu ato lainnya..satu hal positif lagi buat bakery ini..Ukurannya cukup besar..harga ya ga murah2 banget..tapi oklah..Utk rasa biasa aja, ga terlalu enak..tapi gw suka2 aja sih soalnya ga terlalu manis juga..

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  • Tourist38361339743


    Yesterday I bought healthy bread: charcoal toast 1/2 part, grain toast 1/2 part, walnut raisin grain bread with almond topping. As the middle of the toasts are available, I asked the girl staff, named Aini to give me the middle part, not the part that has contact with the baking pan. Aini agreed. When I arrived home, I found that the one slice in contact with the baking pan is inserted in the middle so that it is not visible. Aini is such a liar, all the time when she prepare to pack my order was without smile, but a sour face without reason.Such an attitude that really kills my appetite! I returned and got the slice exchanged by Ayu.Before Surana, the supervisor even said that the grain bread mix has coffee powder in it. Wow...coffee is stimulant, in what is mentioned as healthy bread! Luckily he, after I asked, confirmed to the central kitchen and then answered in front of me that the grain mix has no coffee!Taste is ok, with caution that honey mixed to grain or healthy bread according to some research can become poison as heated > 40 degree Celsius.Quote:One scientific paper looked at both heating honey and mixing honey with ghee in equal proportions, both deemed toxic by the ancient texts. This study showed that when honey is heated it produces a chemical called hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde (HMF) as well as altering the chemical content in other ways (eg: increased peroxides).  The study is looking at the effects on rats and is complicated but concludes that HMF “may produce deleterious effects and act as a poison in due course”Kemarin sy beli  tawar grain charcoal 1/2, tawar grain 1/2, walnut raisin dg topping almon 1. Untuk tawarnya sy minta bagian tengah dan disetujui oleh petugas bernama Aini. Sesampai di rumah sy temukan bagian tepi yang nempel loyang disisipkan di tengah untuk tawar charcoal, supaya tak terlihat. Sungguh Aini seorang penipu! Sepanjang membungkus pesanan saya wajahnya masam. Bila sikap seorang penjual seperti itu, sungguh membunuh selera! Sama sekali sy tidak ingin memakan yg sy beli.  Sy terpaksa balik dan minta ditukar yang dilayani oleh staf Ayu.  Sebelumnya Surana, sang supervisor mengatakan bahwa grain bread mix mengandung bubuk kopi. Wow...kopi itu stimulan, dicampur pada adonan roti sehat! Untungnya dia setelah sy minta, dia menelpon dapur pusat dan dijawab di depan sy bahwa adonan roti grain tidak mengandung kopi. Mutu roti ok, meski yang disebut sehat masih mengandung madu yang menurut beberapa penelitian beracun bila dipanaskan lebih dari 40 derajat Celsius.Kutipan:One scientific paper looked at both heating honey and mixing honey with ghee in equal proportions, both deemed toxic by the ancient texts. This study showed that when honey is heated it produces a chemical called hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde (HMF) as well as altering the chemical content in other ways (eg: increased peroxides).  The study is looking at the effects on rats and is complicated but concludes that HMF “may produce deleterious effects and act as a poison in due course”

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  • herimulyanto


    Toko roti yg bikin rotinya dgn black charcoal sblm black charcoal jadi tren tahun ini. Slogan mreka adlh roti sehat dgn ragi alami,jadibya cobain deh,krn kelihatannya benar2 sehat dgn rasa2 yg cukup alami seperti beetroot dan juga pake black charcoal. Eh tnyata rasa rotinya enak! Saya suka skali roti tawar dgn black charcoalnya krn rotinya empukkkk sekali dan kulitnya pun empuk. Saya privadi kurang suka dgn kulit roti tawar krn biasanya kulitnya keras,tp yg ini empuk. Roti2 lain yg saya prna cobain adlh blueberry cake, strawberry cake, orange roll cake, taro roll cake, egg tart, charcoal with cheese, dan dorayakinya. Utk blueberry dan strawberry cakenya ukurannya cukup besar dgn harga yg terjangkau. Kalau saya sndiri makan kue yg ini bisa sharing utk ber2 krn ukurannya cukup besar, dan rasanya pun cukup enak.Utk orange roll cake dan taro roll cake ukurannya juga besar dan lagi2 bisa utk sharing. Taronya menggunakan taro asli dan isinya jg banyak,bener2 ga pelit. Utk orange roll cakenya saya kurang suka krn sering dpt gumpalan keras yg tdk bisa dimakan.Egg tartnya rasanya lumayan,kulitnya tebal dan seimbang dgn isiannya. Utk dorayakinya agak berbeda,teksturnya lebih ke arah kue bolu, kalau saya sih lebih prefer dorayaki e*ton hehe. Utk charcoal with cheese juga menjadi salah satu favorit saya krn isi cheesenya pake keju yg dipotong2 jd dady kecil dan ga pelit. Rotinya juga kenyal dan pas banget dgn rasa kejunya.Toko roti ini kasi info utk setiap rotinya,bahan ap saja yg dipake dan jmlh kalori setiap rotinya.Nilai plus utk yg satu ini👍

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Lokasi Voguerina Taipei

Mall Artha Gading, Lantai Ground, Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

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Voguerina Taipei terletak di Mall Artha Gading, Lantai Ground, Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Mall Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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