Waroeng Kita

Waroeng Kita


29 Ulasan


Rp 80.000 / Orang

Pacific Place, SCBD

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29 Ulasan

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  • ryandic22


    Berada di lower ground PP, nyambung dengan Kemchick supermarket. The place is not too spacious but okay.Pesan nasi pecel ditambah ayam goreng, soto-sotoan, gado-gado enak-enak semua. Indonesia banget! Berbagai macam kerupuk juga tersedia disini termasuk favorit saya Gendar hehehe.

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  • adepusa


    Located inside the kem chicks pacific place this restaurant served all Indonesian food. For me since the ambiance is together with supermarket it feels more like food court instead of restaurantThis lunch time we went there.. Even though its not my first time here but this time I took time to review this place. So Let's talk about their foodSince this restaurant served various Indonesian food, here s what we order Lontong cap gomehThis dish is complete with chicken in cury sauce, chicken liver cooked in chilli sauce and traditional kerupuk. For me the taste is Just okay. The brooth of the lontong is Just okay.. Not as thick as I expected. The chicken is bit bland and not as tender as " you can cut it with spoon" level. The Portion is too small for lunch is more like breakfast portion and priceyKetoprak This dish taste better compare to the lontong cap gomeh. The combination of peanut sauce, rice vermicelli, and fried toffu topped with soy sauce and kerupuk is perfect. Its delicious and the portion is enough to full your hungry tummy. Its recommend dish if you go here Kue RangiOkay, got to admit that this kind of snack is hard to find nowadays, so when I see it on their menu I immediently order it. This traditional dish that made from grated young coconut and sago baked together and topped with Brown sugar syrup is enough to filled my craving for this snack. But for me the taste is nit traditional enough since Original for the syrup usually a bit thick by adding sago in the Brown sugar syrup. In this case they Just give the plain Brown sugar syrup. Overall the food is Just okay and bit pricey if you compare with the taste of the food. The Service is good and responsive.

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  • CJuwana


    Salah satu restoran yang bermenukan masakan khas Indonesia. Walau secara harga lebih premium karena kebanyakan berlokasi di mal, saya pesan nasi Bogana cukup otentik rasanya

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  • sirizka


    Baru makan d outlet yg ini. KECEWA SAMA SERVICENYA.Waiter/ss dsni kelewat dkit .. Kyk gagda yg kerja . Mau manggil minta menu sm mesen aja susah nya kek nyari dosen .Pas dipanggil , nengok sih waiternya .. Tapi caranya itu loh untuk blg tgg sebentar nya .. Cm nengok, senyum kagak !! Ngasih handgesture nya macam nolak gembel minta-minta pas kita lg d dalam mobil !!Gagda sopan2nya amat jd server . Kudu di training tuh etika service nya!!!!Terus...Pesen nasi goreng jawa GAG PAKE TOGE . Dtg nya ttp aje pake toge.... 👎👎👎👎👎 untung rasanyash enak. Terus minumnya mesen wedang ronde ... Ini ptma x nya gw coba ini dan rasanya pahit. . 😯😯😯😯😯 Aneh bgt kan . Byasanya manis n pedes jahe . Tapi itu paiiiiit. . 😱😱😱😱Dah gitu mau makan ,gg dikasih sendok ..mau makan nya gimana ? Dikokop ?!??For the next .. OGAH BGT DTG LG ke outlet yang ini ...

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  • nimishgoray


    Baru pertama kali cobain makan disini, cobain soto betawinya rasanya asin banget jadi tadi ditambahin kecap, jeruk nipis dan sambel baru rasanya ga asin. Trus pesen laksa ayam, rasanya enak juga tapi sambelnya sambel kacang menurut saya kurang cocok. Trus karena tadi complain tentang soto betawinya dapet complimentary dessert, rasanya enak kayak kue cubit gitu. Pelayanannya cepet tadi

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Lokasi Waroeng Kita

Pacific Place Mall, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

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Waroeng Kita terletak di Pacific Place Mall, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Indonesia di dekat Pacific Place, SCBD. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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