
White Hunter


31 Ulasan


Rp 200.000 / Orang

Gandaria City Mall, Gandaria

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Gandaria City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, Jakarta

White Hunter berlokasikan di Gandaria City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 200.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Bistik di area Gandaria City Mall, Gandaria. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Gandaria City Mall, Gandaria. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review White Hunter


31 Ulasan

  • Nungkyastriani


    Kemarin kesini untuk buka puasa. Tempatnya oke sih tapi pelayanannya kurang banget, waitressnya ogah ogahan gitu z. Untuk rasa juga so so. Rib eye steak nya minta medium well, dikasih nya medium rare, ribsnya cukup mahal ya untuk yg jumbo hampir 400rb tapi rasanya juga ga seenak itu. Terakhir chicken fingers nya. Ini paling enak kayaknya walaupun cuma ayam digoreng hahahaha

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  • MaxDaoudi


    Saturday, July 23rd at 9.30PM , asked the waiter if there is any smoking site inside white hunter and do they sell cigarette? The waiter answered yes there is an outdoor table for smoking and they could buy a cigarette for customers. I decided to stay and have dinner in white hunter.Then i ordered aglio olio with still water, and of course a pack of cigarette as they said they can buy it for customers. But what i found was they couldn't buy anything because they said that they have a limited number of waiters. A little bit dissapointment here shown by them but its fine. then i asked them to hold the food as i leave to buy a cigarette. After around 10-15 minutes, i came back and sat indoor table waiting for my dish to come. After another 10-15 minutes waiting, one of the waiter came and told me that the food already served on the outdoor table which i sit previously. Is it appropriate for a restaurant to serve a food without any customer on the table? They should have just hold it in the kitchen and serve while its still hot not putting it outside on empty table. after that, the waiter replaced me with a new same dish. Now about the aglio olio, its overseasoned, its like, they didnt replace the aglio olio, only heaten and put more seasons on it. too much garlic, dry. Not the aglio olio i expected from this well known restaurant. I expected for a better olive oil pasta but what i found was a dry and overseasoned pasta. I would think twice to come back and taste this overrated restaurant dishes.

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  • Ilank16


    Kemarin baru saja ke sini, duh utk besok2 gak lagi deh! 1. Waiters dan kasirnya kurang ramah, 2. Gak mesn spicy chiken wings, tp dikeluarkan di meja saya, 3. Busett pajaknya lumayan gede, guys!, 4. Dan gak terlalu enak2 bgt kok 😒

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  • Handy K


    The service here was quite slow as there were a lack of waiters and waitresses but aside from that the restaurant was pretty good. Reasonably priced food and the pasta was quite good. As for ambience, I think Tony Roma's is better.

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  • mona n


    Tempatnya bagus cozy bgt buat nongkrong2. Makanan dan harga jg worth it. enak lumayan tp kurang di pelayanannya. Dipanggilnya aga susah pasahal sepi. Dmeja masa ga dikasih garpu pisaunya😂 dpanggil susah. Tp oke lah tmpt dan makanannya

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