Yoiko Ramen 415

Yoiko Ramen 415


28 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Blok M

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Review Yoiko Ramen 415


28 Ulasan

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  • RichardTan91


    You should train ur self better to be more humble and nice to the customers!! I know that customers need also to be so. We did not know that we cannot change table after ordering. We DID NOT move the seat at all. I know if you have your SOP. I UNDERSTAND and I will be ok and understand more IF YOUR STAFF SPEAK NICELY. This one staff (female, who DO NOT WEAR HER MASK PROPERLY) green mask with her nose coming out, said to us “LAIN KALI JANGAN PINDAH YA SETELAH ORDER” A simple “Sorry” or “Excuse me” can make it better. Again, I understand the regulation and this is partly my mistake too. BUT PLEASE TRAIN THEM BETTER TO COMMUNICATE!!!!!!Satu lagi, kita mau tanya pesanan kita belum dateng. And other female staff came to our table WITHOUT WEARING A MASK. “Lain kali jangan pindah kalau sudah order”Well, there will be no more lain kali. I wont come back here at all. Your food is OK but with this simple flaw, you could lose your customers. To avoid more misunderstanding I suggest you put a signage saying“DILARANG PINDAH MEJA SETELAH ORDER”For all of who read those reviews on website before me, TRUST THEM WHEN THEY’RE SAYING THAT THE SERVICE WAS BAD!They might be confident because they got so many customers but I know that this kind of place is not worth my time and money!

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  • Tarmuji K


    It's a 3.5 stars actually.Went here for the first time because it was recommended by a friend (also got warned that the taste can be inconsistent sometimes). Tried the Goma Tonkotsu Ramen (kuah wijen, pork, shown in the photo below) and as the reviews said, kuahnya memang rada kental. Should've ordered the S (although untuk ukuran S cuma dapet 1 slice pork, untuk M dpt 2) because tastenya bikin rada eneg (suggestion: mix with chili oil to cut through the taste.) Still, I enjoyed it!Plus I ordered the Shoyu Ramen: quite good, but not a special taste per se. Also tried the Gila Ramen (level 1): also pretty good I guess, just not for me. (In the end balik ke selera masing").Overall, I'd still recommend this place to people so they can try the goma tonkotsu, the rest is quite alright.Note: i ate these in my car. When I went upstairs to order (the restaurant is on the 4th floor), the server is nice. She told me dapet refill ocha which is great (gave me like a pitcher of it). Also told me that a server will be on stand by, but there isn't one?? I called the restaurant asking for a server to come down *lupa untuk apa, but obvs I need help with something*, but orangnya ga muncul ditungguin pun. So maybe try to improve this?

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  • vanSolar


    Selalu jd tempat favorit untuk makan ramen. Kalo ke sini selalu mesen :- Kari Ramen Karage lv.3 : menu favorit, kuah kari yg kental dgn daging cincang yg banyak, toppingnya bisa milih karage ato potongan pork, selain itu ada pelengkap topping sperti wakame, toge, dan daun bawang, tingkat kepedasannya dr lv 1-3 (utk lv. 3 super pedes, hati"), porsinya besar(tdk bisa pilih porsi). -Miso Ramen (tidak ada d gambar) : kalo mau kuah yg agak manis dan asin mending pilih ramen ini. Kuahnya lebih light drpd yg kari, tp tetap nggak kalah enaknya. Isinya ada daging cincang (pork/chicken), dan banyak sayuran seperti kol,toge,daun bawang & wakame. Kalo mau pedes tinggal minta tambahan sambal aja.-gila ramen: mungkin menu ini yg paling cocok dgn lidah org Indo yg suka pedes. Bisa milih dr lv.1-5. Toppingnya bs milih karage ato ptongan pork, ada sayuran kol, daun bawang & togenya juga. -Karage Don: untuk yg mau menu nasi"an, aku saranin utk milih menu yg satu ini. Dapat 5 potong ayam dgn saus barbeque yg manis(bisa request dipedesin)& mayonnaise, trus di atasnya ada pickle ginger, porsinya besar & dpt miso soup juga. Puas deh makan menu yg satu ini.-gyoza(pork): ada 2 pilihan chicken & pork, kalo nggak salah dpt 6 potong dgn isian yg banyak. Menurut aku gyozanya enak dan ukurannya lumayan besar. Yg doyan ramen harus mampir ke tempat ini, dijamin nggak nyesel.

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  • Azmirazaq


    I dont really got the hype of this place, i ordered shio ramen ( small) the broth are just too bland, no umami flavor whatsoever. For the chicken? I’ll pass.

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  • Solodam J


    pelayanannya ampas. tempatnya ga bersih. waiting list nya ngawur gajelas. sistem restorannya amburadul. menunya kampungan. ga lagi d balik lagi kesini

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Lokasi Yoiko Ramen 415

Jl. Mahakam 1 No. 11B, Blok M, Jakarta

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Yoiko Ramen 415 terletak di Jl. Mahakam 1 No. 11B, Blok M, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Jepang di dekat Blok M. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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