Bebek Bengil

Bebek Bengil


39 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang

MaxxBox Lippo Village, Cibodas

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Lokasi Bebek Bengil

MaxxBox Lippo Village, Lantai Ground, Jl. Boulevard Jendral Sudirman, Cibodas, Tangerang 15811

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Bebek Bengil berlokasikan di MaxxBox Lippo Village, Lantai Ground, Jl. Boulevard Jendral Sudirman, Cibodas, Tangerang 15811. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 175.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Bali di area MaxxBox Lippo Village, Cibodas. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area MaxxBox Lippo Village, Cibodas. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Bebek Bengil


39 Ulasan

  • Voyager21192923044


    Bebek Bengil sepertinya merupakan salah satu resto yang sudah familiar bagi situs web-ers 😊 dan ini wajar saja karena Bebek Bengil sudah punya cabang dimana2, hidangan2nya enak2 (apalagi paket Original Crispy Ducknya yang sudah include 1/2 ekor bebek, nasi putih, urapan, irisan buah segar dan 3 macam sambal), resto2nya juga bersih, nyaman bahkan wangi, standar pelayanannya baik, dan harga makanannya yang terhitung value for your money kalau dibandingkan kualitas, rasa dan kenyamanan yang kita dapat 👍👍👍Buat saya pribadi, Bebek Goreng di Bebek Bengil ini jelas2 berada 1 tingkat di atas hidangan Bebek Goreng di resto2 saingannya 😄

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  • WinstonSE


    AMBIENCE:Fine balinese restaurant. They got pretty props of the flowers, unique umbrella to welcome you at the door. The music and furniture, all was really nice and in line with their theme. FOOD:[Bebek Bengil Rp.125.000]Before the duck arrived, they gave us the sambal. And oh my God that was quite amazing. They offered you three different choices of sambal: the red, smashed chili, the chili with red onion, and green chili. I am a big fan of red onions when it comes to sambal-cocol-for-meat-and-poultry, but their red onion wasn't strong enough for me. I guess they cooked it already. The portion was quite big, I didn't feel like eating much last night so I ate this with my bf. The duck was tasty, the skin was golden crisp. There was also balinese veggies for the side, wonderful. [Bali Street Rp.44.000]Not the best drink. I regret ordering this. I actually a little bit surprise to find that the combination of kiwi, yoghurt, and mango didn't taste so good. Or was it because of the quality of the fruit?SERVICE:Very polite and friendly waitress. They served us well, provide everything in a very polite manner, served and present our bill quickly when we asked. I actually think that this is a very good restaurant. Good quality of meal, ambience, and service. Although, I personally think that it's quite overprice.

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  • Putranda T


    dari interior nya berasa banget nuansa Bali nya, musik&bau restonya jg bikin terkesan Bali bgt.pelayanannya super cepet, mgkn karna sepi jg sih ya he hemakanannya enak-enak. fried calamari + saus tartar & duck dumpling nya pas bgt buat appetizer.kemarin pesennya; nasi goreng Bali, nasi Bali komplit, sm bebek goreng. semuanya enak!!recommended sih semua yg dipesen, tp bebek gorengnya ya standart sih. yg ++nya karna banyak bumbu+sambel tambahan sihminumnya; iced tea, lychee iced tea, carrot juice, sm lime juice.disini iced tea nya bisa refill.dari review yg bagus2 diatas, minus nya, harganya lumayan mahal.. apalg klo untuk traktir banyak orang. jangan deh he hekarna untuk ukr nasi goreng aja harganya hampir 70k. kmrn makan ber4 dengan menu yg td aja bisa hampir 800rbuntuk kantong mahasiswa, termasuk mahal sih makan disini hehe *maklum, karna aku makannya sm keluarga jd yg bayar papa heheso far, emang enak makanannya!selamat mencoba👌🏼

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  • 739heryk


    Suasana resto nya enak, pelayanannya juga bagus.. Order bebek bengil, sudah dilengkapi dgn 3 macam sambal + nasi putih. Bebeknya super crispy dan bumbunya jg enak.. Secara harga agak pricey

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  • christy582


    I was there with my clients one day and I ordered the Nasi Bali Komplit if I correctly remembered the dish name. When it came well I was impressed with the dish presentation. It was neat and of course, seduced my appetite. I couldn't help to take a pic just because it was presented well. About the taste, I absolutely love it. What I like the most from the dish is urap, sate lilit, sambal mattah. Well, since I am a spicy addict, I love their sambal because it could match with my spiciness taste. Despite from the food, the place is also cozy and great and it really nears Lippo Karawaci mall.

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