Holycow! STEAKHOUSE by Chef Afit

Holycow! STEAKHOUSE by Chef Afit


30 Ulasan


Rp 210.000 / Orang

Pondok Aren

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Review Holycow! STEAKHOUSE by Chef Afit


30 Ulasan

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  • Erwin3rd


    Favorit gue Hokubee. Menu yang lebih terjangkau dari steak lainnya. Enak banget. Dibanding beberapa pedaging lainnya, Holycow saat ini memang paling terbaik.

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  • Ritadps


    Never disappointed to come here, to enjoy quality steak meat at a friendly price. I always order Australian prime sirloin or tenderloin with delicious green beans and corn, my favorite sauce is none other than mushroom sauce which is really delicious. The children's menu in the form of meatballs is also very tasty. The drinks that can be refilled add to the good value of this restaurant.

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  • ayuzgreen


    I come here for cheap and cheerful steaks. The quality of meat is surprisingly good even though they don’t slap you with hefty prices. Service is efficient and friendly and the manager always goes around making sure customers are happy. They most expensive steak has the best quality of course, but even their most expansive steak on the menu is still affordable.

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  • Youngggkimm


    Uda langganan makan di holycow utk kesekian kalinya. Di outlet ini saus steaknya asin bngett pdahal aku suka makan asin lohh jadi mungkin utk yg ga suka makan asin ga bakal bisa kemakan disni. Australian steaknya juga very dry,minta yang medium pdahal tapi dimasak welldone. Semoga lbih konsisten sperti outlet lain. Utk temptnya bersih n ambiencenya enak dan nyaman.

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  • DimasHaris


    i came for late lunch with friends, the service was good, place was comfortable (bigger and less crowded than other branches). and the steak served properly with a nice ‘medium well’ and ‘medium’ for my friends.

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Lokasi Holycow! STEAKHOUSE by Chef Afit

Jl. Menteng Raya Blok FG1/6, Sektor 5, Pondok Aren, Tangerang

  • Bawa Pulang

Holycow! STEAKHOUSE by Chef Afit terletak di Jl. Menteng Raya Blok FG1/6, Sektor 5, Pondok Aren, Tangerang.Ini adalah restoran Bistik di dekat Pondok Aren. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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