Hosen's Culinary

Hosen's Culinary


29 Ulasan


Rp 50.000 / Orang

Ciputat Timur

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Lokasi Hosen's Culinary

Jl. Ir. H Juanda, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang

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Hosen's Culinary berlokasikan di Jl. Ir. H Juanda, Ciputat Timur, Tangerang. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 50.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Jawa di area Ciputat Timur. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Ciputat Timur. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Hosen's Culinary


29 Ulasan

  • Deborah W


    Lumayan depan kampus ada tempat makan begini dan yang punya dosen yg pernah ngajarin saya. Yaudah kepo sama tempatnya. Tempatnya enak apalagi tempat yg di atas, lebih enak karna bisa liat jalanan ciputat yang padat. Buat makanan juga enak. Waktu itu pesen ayam apa gitu lupa, dapet ayamnya 2 potong. Lumayan walaupun yang menghabiskan bukan saya. Pelayannya juga ramah.

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  • yospitaeri


    Yap depan UIN... Katanya punya salah satu dosennya... Makanan, standar lah menu... rasa gak mengecewakan juga klo dr harga hehe... Tempatnya asik yg di lantai dua

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  • Mike m


    Tempatnya enak yg dilantai 2 buat yg sama pacar agak romantis gitu haha makanannya juga enak sesuai sama harganya. Kesana pas malem, mau foto makanannya tapi gelap

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  • Joy-holiday


    Tempatnya enak buat nongkrong ketika di awal bulan :)harganya juga lumayan pas dengan rasa dan porsinya. lokasinya yang ada tepat di sebrang kampus bikin hemat ongkos kalo emang mau nongkrong setelah kuliah, tinggal nyebrang jalan kaki.

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  • Achmed K


    Sunday afternoon, the perfect time for a relaxing afternoon. A short walk to enjoy the sky afternoon shade. When you feel hungry and need to eat late at the early evening, maybe this place is a great base.To find this place is quite difficult because the nameplate is too small. But if it were right in front of this restaurant will look Hosen's Culinary wall posts. On entry to this place, this restaurant parking lot is rather small. Only fit two cars and the rest filled by motorcycle. So if you want to eat here you have to park in the next meal.The dining area consists of two floors. There are several dining table on the ground floor and also there is room for a lot of people gathering or a meeting place. The counter is also located here. If you want to enjoy the scenery in the middle of the afternoon bustle breakdown Chester area, you can choose a place on the top floor. Lots of dining table above. There are also cross-legged table if you want to relax.Waiters here are very friendly. If there is less understanding of the menu is presented, you can ask him. But if eating upstairs, a bit hard to call the waitress having to press the bell first. Do not worry, not long after the waitress will come to serve.If I eat here, I always order the food is a mainstay here is 'Oseng-Oseng Mercon'. The food is very special. Do not try to eat it if you do not like spicy food. Seasoning of food consists of various kinds of chili plus curd and sliced chicken. But when I ordered this food, the taste of ginger produced too strong so that just adds to the burning sensation in the mouth. But it's still good to eat.The second menu ordered by me is 'Tongseng Kambing'. The food is very good to eat. And highly recommended to be ordered. But the sauce is slightly thickened, probably because the content is too much coconut milk. To drink I ordered Ice Citrus Squeeze. Very refreshing after eating food fry spicy and thick coconut milk.This place can be a hang-out place that is convenient for young people who love to talk and hang out. This place is very comfortable so they can spend a lot of time here. It was nice to be here. Have a good time if you visit this restaurant :)

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