Jesse el Pollo

Jesse el Pollo


19 Ulasan


Rp 85.000 / Orang

AEON Mall, Serpong

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Lokasi Jesse el Pollo

AEON Mall, Lantai Ground, Food Culture, Jl. BSD Raya Utama, Serpong, Tangerang

Jesse el Pollo berlokasikan di AEON Mall, Lantai Ground, Food Culture, Jl. BSD Raya Utama, Serpong, Tangerang. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 85.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Meksiko di area AEON Mall, Serpong. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area AEON Mall, Serpong. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Jesse el Pollo


19 Ulasan

  • IrfanKubus


    Nyobain Chicken Buritto. Very dissapointed.Rasanya so-so banget. Tampilan juga gak menarik.Service juga gak oke. Pas beli menu ini, para pelayan sedang mengajari pelayan baru. Gak cocok aja ngajarin pelayan baru masukin pesanan ke cash register dan hitung kembalian di depan tamu. Kesannya untuk resto food court yg harganya cukup mahal gak professional banget.

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  • melstefans


    When it came to aeon, choices are always into japanese food, but since all the restos were insanely queing during eid day, so i prefer to have mexican instead. What came in mind was just to have rice after all day of ketupat meals. So i came to jesse el polo, which was less queing to get burrito meals. They grant my request to have burrito wrap without lettuce. Sadly the taste was below my expectation. It taste nice and decent but it was not as good as other burrito bowl/wrap that i had before. They seems put less seasoning which caused lack of flavors. Needs lots of improvement especially for 75k price tag around food court area.

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  • IndonesianDream


    I was craving for tacos and its not easy to find tacos at times! I saw some people eating tacos in the Aeon Mall foodcourt and decided to order it as it looks good! Lot's cheese and 3 pieces for 75rb! I changed a piece to chicken one and the other two are ground beef! Overall pretty good! Lot's of cheese and the ground beef is yummy! The taco shells are crispy as well. I will be back to try the burritos!

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  • Jojo_dmr


    Gw dapat 3 voucher dari kakak. Suami dan saya pesan chicken enchiladas dan burrito meal. Dari penampilan sih bagus banget, tergolong rapi dan terlihat bersih. Pelayanan sangat ramah. Namun yang bikin berat buat balik lagi soalnya rasa bener-bener dibawah ekspektasi saya soalnya saya dan suami tergolong suka banget sama makanan barat.  Sepertinya 2 voucher sisanya dikasi ke orang lain aja deh.

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  • owlca_


    My wife is craving for some Mexican Food, and before heading to office, we decided to have a bite in this restaurant (which happens to be located, very near to our house) We order some Quesadillas, Tacos and Burritos and was surprisingly very good in terms of the taste and quality! Very very nice people as not just being treat with good care, we are also given free parking tickets, overall superb! Keep up the good work!!

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