
Lady Alice Tea Room


36 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Benton Junction, Cibodas

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Review Lady Alice Tea Room


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  • pramonoheru


    Sempet kaget juga gw pas nyari lady alice tea room di situs web, lagian ternyata di Cibodas, lah seinget gw cibodas mah di Bogor hahaha.Gw udah 2x nih main ke tea room, dulu gw dateng ke Benton pas si Lady Alicenya masih belon jadi, ketemu sama yang punya hahaha.Yang kedua kali gw dateng sama pacar (cie pacar) (dah lama ga nulis cie pacar) + temennya nak ipb yang waktu itu bis putus gy galavv.Lucu sih tempatnya, ala ala tearoom macam di film film hollywood gitu. Tapi mah ya gw kaga ngarti per-teh-an jadi kurang objektif penilaian soal rasa. Gw mesen tea party set nya, ada kue sama teh, trus gw juga mesen makan nasi, berhubung laper gamungkin kan gw kenyang cuma makan kue.Kalo soal rasa yaaaaa 3.5 lah menurut gw ok ok aja tapi cenderung biasa sajaTerus gw ada pengalaman kurang mengenakan nih, kayanya AC nya kurang dingin deh hahaha, apa neraka bagian Tangerang lagi bocor gw juga kurang ngerti.Sama lampu di restorannya kayanya terlalu kuning deh, ga bagus buat foto foto (lah lu kesana mau makan apa foto foto). Ya gitu lah masukan aja dari gw.Buat yang mau kesini gw saranin sih dandan yang cantik sama bawa tripod, kece abis restorannya suer, ampe utensil macam sendok garpu cangkir aja lucu smua, harusnya alice jualan juga tuh gw aja pengen beli kalo ada.Oh iya, jangan lupa Benton Junction tuh susah buat parkir, kemaren kebetulan gw lagi hoki dapet parkir pinggir trotoar. Susah banget deh suer disini parkir, kalo ga dapet mending lu masuk ke Supermall aja, itupun kalo mulai malem parkir susah.Gw rada lupa disini ada wifi apa nggak, tapi seinget gw sih ada, semoga aja ada hahaha.

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  • 661charles


    I really have a great time here. My advice is : Eat on the second floor. The interior, furniture and scenery is way better than the ground floor.  And order their special-sounds-a-bit-weird tea.Honestly, I don't really remember how the food taste like. I don't have a sweet tooth and never really keen on sandwich. What I remember is the overall experience. I love the decorations and interior and the furniture, as well as the teacups, pots, dishes, etc. it's all feels so vintage and classic, and like stepping into wonderland, and having the tea party with Madhater.Me and my friends ordered the tea party packages as well as rose hibiscus tea. While I don't really remember how the cakes, scones, and sandwich taste (not bad, but not really good, maybe we choose the wrong variety of cakes), I remember the teas.The earl grey is so - so, they don't really left a strong impression, but the Rose Hibiscus tea - it's magnificent. I recommend ordering their special tea, Rose Hibiscus Vanilla Tea, and Fruit De La Passion Tea. One of it is too sweet to my liking, and Rose Hibiscus tea is a bit troublesome to drink because of the rose petals - we only have two, but both are delicious.The chimney cake are delicious and unique, but I don't really feel that it is extraordinary, perhaps because we don't order any dipping.They let us sit and chat as long as we like, and it's long. We even have a photo session! With the cake as well. The server is not overly nice, but they are nice enough to let us play as we want it. Really feels like stepping into a dream world, wonderland, or go back in time or to Britain where the tea time party is a reality.All the other aspect lose to the atmosphere you will get if you let yourself absorb it :)

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  • janliana


    Lady alice has good interior design, cute, sweet and cozy. Mereka spesial di dessert, dan unggulannya adalah chimney cake. Waktu itu pernah pesen raspberry chimney cake. Chimney cake mereka rasanya biasa aja, standart. manis, crunchy. lucu bentuknya soalnya ada bolongan di tengahnya. Pernah juga cobain spaghetti mereka, with bolognaise sauce. I don't really like it :(rasanya asam sekali, gak gitu asin juga, lebih dominan asam nya. so it's not my favourite. untuk minuman, cobain hibiscus tea mereka, alias teh kembang sepatu. Rasanya enak dan unik, worth to try.In my opinion, rasa makannannya disini gak gitu istimewa, cuman mereka punya tempat yang bagus, dan bisa kesini kalo mau tea time cantik. Harga makanan mereka juga lumayan mahal menurut saya. well, try yourself! :)

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  • Djito


    Lady alice merupakan tempat santai dengan rasa tea yang khasnya dia yaitu lady alice tea. Harganya lumayan ok dan tempatnya lumayan bagus. Red valvet salah satu kue favorit disana.

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    They have my bad impression. I really like panna cotta and I spotted one here from outside the window. I decided to walk in but the service was really bad. Waitress was passive.I only ordered one taking away panna cotta. The waitress grumbled by himself and the other guy (I guess it is the one in-charge there) told one waitress that he was getting annoyed because they have to be busy only because of one taking away panna cotta.

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Lokasi Lady Alice Tea Room

Benton Junction, Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya, Karawaci, Tangerang

Lady Alice Tea Room terletak di Benton Junction, Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya, Karawaci, Tangerang.Ini adalah restoran Italia di dekat Benton Junction, Cibodas. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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